
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Seymour, Victoria

After the lush green alpine forests of Warburton, it was a bit of a let down when we arrived at Seymour, we landed right in the middle of the drought belt of Victoria. It's depressing to see all the surrounding paddocks with pasture burnt to a crisp, not a patch of green anywhere.

I picked Seymour because the caravan park was on the Goulburn river front, I'm quite partial to rivers but we landed in the middle of heatwave and are locked away in the caravan with the air conditioning on full pelt. I only ventured out to go to Woolworths and back again, we had 38 yesterday and it's even hotter today, at least 40.
When I feel like whinging about the heat, I think of the endurance of the tennis players at the Australian Open in Melbourne today.

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