
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Walhalla, Victoria

View from Walhalla pub

We were told that the road into Walhalla was unsuitable for caravans so we stayed at Erica but when we got there, we noticed quite a few caravans in a quiet, grassy 'free camping' spot, so they had obviously managed the road without any problems. There is even a sign on the way in that says ‘Road not suitable for caravans’.

Gold was discovered in the area in 1863 but it was the discovery of Cohen’s Reef which was almost 3 kilometres long that put Walhalla on the map.

The lure of gold brought men from all over the world and at the height of the rush, Walhalla had 15 hotels, 40 shops, two breweries, seven churches, a school and its own newspaper. Today the population is around 20 and the town is a tourist attraction with many restored buildings.

Don’t miss the cemetery, it’s a walk up a steep hill but an interesting place. This photo of a gravestone gives an insight into just how tough life was here in those days, a mother loses her husband, toddler son and infant daughter all within a few months of one another.

We almost didn’t get to Walhalla, it was out of the way a bit, but I’m pleased we came, a very pretty place.

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