
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Wall, Tasmania

Self taught Artist Greg Duncan is creating a stunning sculpture at Derwent Bridge in the heart of Tasmania.

The Wall in the Wilderness is Greg Duncan’s commemoration of those who helped shape the past and present of Tasmania’s central highlands.

A work in progress, The Wall is being carved from three-metre high wooden Huon pine panels. The carved panels will tell the story of the harsh Central Highlands region - beginning with the indigenous people, then to the pioneering timber harvesters, pastoralists, miners and Hydro workers.

The Wall will be 100 metres long and take 7 years to complete and it will rank as a major work of art and tourist attraction for Tasmania.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Stunning and it is a must see for everyone..."Greg Duncan" is to be commended for such life like work...
    Just loved the place and could have stayed all day
