
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mural Competition 2009, Tasmania

Mural No 9, Kerry and Malcolm Nicholson, Queensland

Mural No 8 - Cheryl Sims & The Lighthouse Project Team, Tasmania

Mural No 7 - Paul Scott - Western Australia

Mural No 6 - Gillian Robnik, Tasmania

Mural No 5 - Pat Kirkcaldy, Jeanette Edwards and Nadia Mitchell, Tasmania

Mural No 4 - Andrew and Caroline Kruger, Tasmania

Mural No 3 - Marc Spijkerbosch, New Zealand

Mural No 2 - Jose Loza, USA

Mural No 1 - John Eathorne, Tasmania

The weather wasn't kind to the artists hard at work at the Sheffield Muralfest today. Sheltering from the rain behind plastic sheeting, work seems to be progressing well. The artists will down brushes at 1pm on Saturday 18th April and the winner will be announced at the Town Hall at 5pm. There will be a food and wine festival starting at 1pm and a bush dance is planned in the evening.

Their inspiration for 2009 comes from the poem Fire and Life by Cindy Bennett -
Submerged beneath earth,
Molten rock spews forth its fire,
Creating new life.

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