
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chinese to ban eating dog and cat

This post will make you sick, it's hard to believe that our two cultures are so far apart. Thanks to the hard work of animal rights activists within China, they are drafting a new law which will stop stray dogs and cats from being eaten. What seems abhorant to us is normal Chinese tradition which has been going on for thousands of years.
The first draft will be raised for legislation in April and it will have real teeth. People caught eating dog or cat meat will be jailed for up to fifteen days and fined 5,000 yuan ($1000) and restaurants fined up to $100,000.
And here's the sickening part, in some parts of China, they beat dogs to death to release the blood into the meat.
Naturally, there is a lot of resistance to the new law, many insisting that a ban on dog and cat meat is unrealistic, they argue that a dog meat recipe is a part of Chinese cultural heritage.
'Cooking them alive must be punished but what meat to eat should be a personal choice. Some people in China still can't afford meat, we should not blindly copy western values' a Chinese spokesman said.
But one on-line protestor Yuxiang999 posted on said 'Eating cats and dogs is a shameless barbarian thing. Anyone with humanity would not kill these loyal friends of ours'.

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