
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cellar Monster Josef Fritzl

When I first heard about this evil man, I couldn't believe how his daughter Elizabeth could survive for 24 years in total darkness under the ground, never being able to see the sun or the moon. And how he would visit her almost every night for sex and made her perform sex acts that he'd seen on his porn movies. She should have gone insane, but she didn't and my first thought was please God, don't let his defence lawyers plead insanity. But that's exactly what they did - he's living out a reasonably comfortable life in a psychiatric hospital in Austria.
Now he's sending Elizabeth begging letters, he wants money to embark on a legal career, to study to be a lawyer and he only needs a few thousand to get him started. In all his letters, there is never a hint of an apology or any sign of regret.
Elizabeth is building a new life for herself with her six surviving children sired by her father. His wife was shattered by what he'd done and has even changed her name, she now lives alone in a small flat in Linz. She wasn't allowed to take any possessions from the 66-room house, it's been sealed by the court as Fritzl has debts of over 4 million dollars that must be settled.
But there was a problem between Elizabeth and her mother. She was furious with her for taking her father back after he was convicted of rape many years ago when she was a little girl - if she had made a stand against him then, maybe her life would have turned out differently.
Hated by other inmates, he's had numerous death threats. He's alone in a single cell for nearly 24 hours a day and his food is pushed through a small slot in the door. Doctors say he's not a suicide threat which is a good thing because he mustn't be allowed to take the easy way out. He needs to stick around and suffer for as long as possible. Not that he's doing much suffering, he's probably sailing through the day on happy pills, nothing like the suffering he inflicted on his poor unfortunate daughter for 24 years.
Elizabeth has just passed her driving test and is looking for a car. She is proud of her children who all go to school and are doing well. She received about $100,000 in back child payments and has no financial problems so far. Felix, the little boy who was only six when he was rescued had police in tears when he pointed to the moon and asked "Does God live there?"

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. The cellar monster certainly has the right name.My opinion is that he's an evil creep. Jo
