
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dalai Lama and China

Two Nobel Peace Prize winners will sit down today in the White House to discuss a very tricky subject - Tibet and China. Beijing pleaded with President Obama not to show support for the Dalai Lama by meeting with him, but their official objections were ignored. The White House has said that he will be received as a spiritual leader, and has nothing to do with politics - but we all know that it has. And to make matters worse, President Obama has given arms worth $6.4 billion to Taiwan, a country that China has always considered their own and vows to take back one day.
The Chinese own more US government debt than any other nation - about $800 billion worth, and they pay them $50 billion a year just in interest. So things are not going well between the two super powers. Dare we ask if America is worried about ever being able to pay it back?

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