
Monday, February 15, 2010


The banned drug Nembutal is being used by young people to commit suicide and fifty one people have died from the drug in the last 10 years. Philip Nitschke, head of Exit International has promoted the drug as the "peaceful pill" and gives advice to elderly people with terminal illnesses or chonic pain on how to end their lives.
Ages of the 51 deaths are as follows: six in their 20s, eight in their 30s, five in their 40s, fourteen in their 50s, three in their 60s, ten in their 70s, three in their 80s and two in their 90s. Coroners found that eight people had got the drug from overseas but in most cases, the source was unknown.
People can download Exit's instructions from the Peaceful Pill handbook which has been published on line in the USA since the drug was banned in Australia in 2007. But here's the bit to keep us all in line. In Australia, it's illegal to use a telephone, fax, email or the internet to discuss or research assisted suicide. Downloading the handbook carries a maximum of $110,ooo fine but no one has been charged with the offence so far. There is also a twenty five year jail sentence for importing the drug or a $550,000 fine. We all remember what happened when Qantas pilot Graeme Wylie who had Alzheimers, asked for help to die, his wife went to jail and a family friend who went to Mexico to get the drug for him commited suicide.
Dr Nitschke said he wasn't surprised that Australians had either bought the drug from veterinary clinics overseas or received it in the mail after ordering it online. It all sounds so easy but I wonder if it is.
President of Dying with Dignity Victoria said it was very regrettable that young people had used the drug to end their life. He suspects that some may have had psychological problems rather than chronic pain or terminal illness.
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