Britain is still on high terrorist attack alert and have discovered that Al Qaeda has found a way to beat the full body scanners at airports, they are surgically inserting bombs inside suicide bombers. They are called the body-bombers. British MI5 picked up the information on internet chat on Arab websites this month.
Male bombers would have the explosive inserted near their appendix or in their buttocks and females would have it inserted inside their breasts. The explosive PETN is placed in a plastic sachet inside the body then the wound is stitched up and allowed to heal. Eight ounces of PETN can penetrate five inches of armour and could easily blow a large hole in a plane. The explosives are detonated by the bomber using a pypodermic syringe to inject Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP) through their skin into the explosives sachet.
PETN was used by Richard Reid, the British Al Qaeda shoe bomber when he almost blew up American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami in 2001.
In November last year, a Somali man tried to board a flight carrying a syringe, liquid and powdered chemicals but was arrested before take-off. He was carrying the same package as the Christmas Day bomber. With his underpants stuffed with explosives, when he injected the TATP into his body, the detonator fluid set his clothes on fire and he was caught. What a close shave that was. Just to add to the fear of these crazy people, agents think the body-bombers could pretend to be diabetics on planes, trains or buses.
UK Company Smiths Detection International manufacture body scanners designed to pick up chemicals, explosives and drugs at airports and passenger terminals around the world. These include x-ray equipment that could identify body-bombers.
We, the private citizens of the world are all involved in this terrible war on terror, they are making us pay dearly. I've seen brave people on the tv saying they are not affected by the terrorists, they intend to keep on flying, not to would mean they win. Brave words indeed, lets hope we can keep one step ahead of them.
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