
Friday, April 9, 2010

US Apologises for 5 civilian deaths

After a cover-up that didn't work, a top US Commander has finally admitted his men killed five innocent civilians in a botched raid in Afghanistan. Vice-Admiral William H McRaven went to the home of Haji Sharabuddin and apologised to him and his family for the death of his two sons, two pregnant women and a teenage girl who were killed in a raid by his men on the 12th February.

He said "I am the Commander of the soldiers who accidentally killed your loved ones. I come here to send my condolences. I also ask for your forgiveness for these terrible tragedies". They then presented two sheep to the family. A ritual sacrifice of a sheep at an adversary's door is a way of asking for forgiveness but for some reason, the head of the house decided to spare the animal and the two sheep were led into the courtyard alive - then he welcomed the visitors into his guest room. The Admiral sat stoney-faced in the crowded room before he started to speak.

"Sir, you and I are very different, you are a family man with many children and many friends. I am a soldier. I have spent most of my career overseas, away from my family but I have children as well and my heart grieves for you. But we have one thing in common, we have the same God. He is a God who shows great love and compassion. I pray for you today that in your grief he will show you love and compassion and ease your pain. I also pray that he will show mercy on me and my men for this awful tragedy". Then the Afghan Generals gave the family a wad of cash, around $30,000 wrapped in a handerchief.

Haji Sharabuddin showed the Admiral a 6in scar on his grandson's stomach where doctors had to operate to save his life when he was wounded in a ricochet. He said later that he was happy the Americans had come but he didn't care about the money. He believes the troops attacked after false intelligence was given to them by one of his enemies. He believes the Americans should face international justice and the man responsible for the false intelligence handed over to Afghan authorities. "Maybe then I will forgive them" he said.

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