
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

KFC Halal Restaurants

KFC is running a trial of 86 restaurants in the UK that will sell nothing but halal meat. At Burton-on-Trent in Staffordshire, a customer, Alan Phillips, was furious when told he couldn't have his favourite burger - a Big Daddy - a chicken burger topped with bacon, cheese and salad, because it was now off the menu. He said it was very unfair to non-Muslim customers when told he would have to drive five miles to the next restaurant to get one. KFC said it was responding to increased demand for a halal menu in the areas of growing Muslim populations.

Traditionally, halal meat must be slaughtered by hand - a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife to the neck, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries in both sides but leaving the spinal cord in tact. The meat must also be blessed in the name of Allah and cannot be kept on the same premises as banned substances, including pork and alcohol.
KFC isn't the only large fast food chain thinking of going totally halal. McDonalds in Australia has 6 halal restaurants, 4 in Sydney and 2 in Melbourne and are thinking of opening more.

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