
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Scott Rush and the Bali 9

On the 17th April 2005, Scott Rush was arrested by Indonesia police and found to be carrying 1.3kg of heroin strapped to his leg under his clothes. He was 19 years old. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. On the 5th September 2006, he appealed, and was sentenced to death.

Now Rush has been circumcised by a man who snuck into Bali's Kerobokan jail and secretly performed the procedure in an Islamic prayer room. This is normal practice when a man converts to Islam.

Rush started using canabis when he was 15 and has also used heroin, ecstasy and prescription drugs. He said that his method of use has always been intravenous. A warrant for his arrest in Australia is still outstanding for money stolen from the Commonwealth Bank.

The medical officer at the prison yesterday confirmed the circumcision in a telephone conversation and said that the wound was healing nicely. Rush refused to make any comment. An unconfirmed report says that Rush has been given the name Suleiman and has been spending a lot of time with a small group of Muslim prisoners. After five long years, Rush is waiting for his final legal appeal to come up which happen this year.

Rush said "I'm still looking for forgiveness. I just feel so bad about everything, especially what I've done to my parents and family". Circumcision is recommended when converting to Islam but not compulsory. What is compulsory is Shahada. A person must state before reputable Muslim witnesses that there is no God but Allah and that the prophet Muhammad is his messenger.

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