
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time Square Bomber

The son of a retired high ranking Pakistani official, Faisal Shahzad almost got away. His plane was on the runway ready to take off for Dubai when they managed to turn it around just in time. Now Pakistani authorities have arrested at least seven more people in connection with the Time Square bomb plot and more could follow.

What is it with these well-heeled, well-educated young Muslim men? His family live in a large house in a well-to-do suburb of Peshawar. But of course everyone says he's as pure as the driven snow and all his relatives are "shocked" and swear he never had any connection with a political party of jihad group.

It must have hurt the Americans when they learnt that he was a naturalised citizen but there's a humorous side to the story. He recently attended "bomb-making training in Waziristan" but he couldn't have been paying attention because the bomb he left in Time Square didn't go off. He left his wife in Pakistan and returned to the US in February this year after a five month visit and we now know what he was up to.

Now America has had two recent failed bomb attempts - one on Christmas Day when a bomb went off in a man's lap and now this one which failed to go off at all. Thank God for small mercies.

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