Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Israel Demands the return of Gilad Schalit

Monday, June 28, 2010
Australians Want Out of Afghanistan

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Frustration mounts over BP oil spill

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Iran set to break Gaza Blockade

Friday, June 25, 2010
The Fall of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd

Powerbroken Mark Arbib specialises in the rise and fall of Labor politicians. He was there when Premier Bob Carr retired, was instrumental in the fall of Morris Iemma, Nathan Rees and Kim Beazley and now finally the demise of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
So who is this co-called powerbroken Mark Arbib? He was born in the Sydney suburb of Chippendale in 1971. His father, Eric Arbib was of Libyan heritage and spoke Italian, moving to Australia in the 1960s and became a property developer. His mother Lola was born in Sydney and had to raise Mark and his brother after the death of their father when they were young. He has a Master of Arts in Political Science and Economic History from the University of NSW.
While studying, he worked part-time at a Sizzler restaurant in Bondi Junction. While working there, management made a move to remove penalty rates and he negotiated on behalf of the part-time workers and signed up members to the Liquor Trades Union. Later he worked as a metal trades assistant, beach inspector and restaurant cook but became increasingly involved in the trade union movement. In 1995, he was elected President of NSW Young Labor after joining the Party in 1992. He served as Assistant General Secretary from 1999 and was the ALP State Organiser between 1996 and 1999.
He has been a Labor member of the Australian Senate since July 2008, representing the state of NSW. He was the Australian Labor Party State Secretary of the NSW branch from 2004 to 2007. In February 2009 he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Government Service Delivery, a position within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. On 9 June 2009 he was sworn in as Minister for Employment Participation. He lives in Sydney with his wife and two daughters.

Another man involved in the Prime Minister's demise is Australian Workers Union Secretary Paul Howes. He appeared on "Lateline" on Tuesday night around 10.45 pm when he suddenly dropped a bombshell: "We have to look at what's is the best interests of our members of our union to ensure fairness remains in our member workplaces and we think that Julie Gillard is the best option to lead Labor to victory at the upcoming election". At 9.30 am the next morning, Kevin Rudd was out and Gillard was the new Prime Minister.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Prime Minister Julia Gillard

General Petraeus, new Afghanistan Commander

This clever man had to go because infidelity leaves powerful people vulnerable and he was ripe for blackmail. What an utter tragedy.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Israel's New Spy Satellite

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
More Australian Troops die in Afghanistan

Monday, June 21, 2010
Mahmoud Abbas

But here's the problem. It's the fourth anniversary of the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit. For four years, Hamas leaders have not allowed him to speak to his family and for four years Hamas has told Israel that if they release hundreds of their people, some of whom are known terrorists, they will set him free.
In October 2009, Schalit was shown in a video to be alive and in apparent good health, yet Israel has still not received any response from Hamas about bringing him home. That proposal, made by German and Egyptian mediators, was responded to positively by Israel in December 2009, but nothing has happened since.
So in the end, it appears to be down to Hamas for the lack of progress in securing a deal. Despite all the promises they made through third party negotiations, this young man's life still hangs precariously in the balance.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Warren Buffett - Philanthropist.

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Dawn - saving the wildlife after the BP disaster

The International Bird Research Centre has been using Dawn dishwashing liquid for 32 years. They use 10 per cent Dawn concentrate in water to cut through the grease and it's gentle enough not to harm the animals' eyes and feathers. So far 557 birds are being cleaned and the makers, Procter and Gamble have sent 7,000 bottles so far. They donate $1 to saving wildlife for every bottle bought and registered online and are aiming on raising $500,000 by the end of June.
The effort has generated goodwill to the social networking media. The campaign's Face Book page has 240,041 fans as at June 14 and their Twitter feed has 1,000 followers.
But there's a catch to all this goodwill - Dawn is a petroleum-based product and critics say that by using it, they are creating even more demand for oil. The world is well and truly hooked on oil, it's in almost everything - will we ever find a substitute?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Jews for Justice
The convention wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent, and mostly by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes - on both sides - inevitably follow from this injustice.
This paper outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region's problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Israel's Building Program
But despite Obama's strong opposition, the planning committee approved the proposal on Tuesday.
Israel sure is pushing the boundaries.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Russia's Drug Addiction

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Afghanistan's New Mineral Boon

I wonder what's really going on over there, I guess we'll never know.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Iceland's Gay Prime Minister

Israel's Greatest Loss: Its Moral Imaginatiion
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan

The Problems of Race

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Iran - Latest Sanctions

"Nothing will change, the Islamic Republic will continue uranium enrichment activities" said Ali Asghar Soltanieh, the Iranian envoy to the UN's nuclear watchdog after the vote.
The new sanctions will prohibit the sale of heavy weapons such as tanks, warplanes, attack helicopters and warships to Iran and allow inspection of planes and ships suspected of carrying banned cargoes. More importantly, the resolution will also freeze the assets of a further 41 Iranian companies including 15 controlled by the increasingly powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Israel's Inquiry into Aid Flotilla

Israeli legal experts have scorned the proposed inquiry into last week's raid on the aid flotilla which killed nine people. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called a marathon meeting with his inner cabinet and set the rules for the inquiry but he needs President Obama's permission first before he can make an announcement. He already knows that the President isn't happy about Israel's handling of the raid.
The inquiry's panel will have no power to compel witnesses to appear and there will be no interrogation of the soldiers or officers who took part in the raid, turning the whole thing into a farce. Professor Amnon Rubinstein was approached to be part of the inquiry but he poured scorn on it saying "There is coffee without caffeine and there is an investigative commitee without an investigation. When you don't investigate, it's not an investigative commitee. I think that only a legal investigative committee, according to the law with full powers, the exact opposite of what the Defence Minister wants, can help Israel." he said.
Other esteemed Israelis like Professor Yehezkel Dror and political analyst Boaz Okon have also branded the inquiry a whitewash.
The eyes of the world are watching Israel's every move.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Creation of Israel

Helen Thomas talks about Israel

Monday, June 7, 2010
BP boss Tony Hayward

The arrogance of BP boss Tony Hayward astounds me. He said there was no need for him to speak to President Obama about the oil spewing out into the Gulf of Mexico. He dismissed demands for his resignation and said they were finally making headway in plugging the leak.
He apologised for saying he 'wanted his life back' just weeks after the explosion that killed 11 workers. Asked in an interview if he considered resigning he said "It hasn't crossed my mind. It's clearly crossed other people's minds, but not mine."

Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Gaza Blockade

This is an excerpt from the New York Times Editorial dated 1st June 2010. They recognise the suffering of the people of Gaza and ask if the blockade is working.
There is a bigger question that Israel - and the United States - must be asking: is the blockade working? Is it weakening Hamas? Or just punishing Gaza's 1.4 million residents - and diverting attention away from abuses by Hamas, including its shelling of Israeli cities and its refusal to accept Israel's right to exist? At this point, it should be clear that the blockade is unjust and against Israel's long-term security.
The situation in Gaza is grim. Eight out of ten people depend on international aid agencies to survive. Basic foodstuffs are available but medical supplies and construction materials are severely lacking. The desperation could be seen on Tuesday when Egypt lifted the blockade and several thousand Garzans rushed the border but were later sent home after police officers said they did not know when the crossing would be opened.
On Tuesday, President Obama expressed his "deep regret" over the flotilla incident. He is doing Israel no favors with such a tepid response. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown time and time again that he prefers bullying and confrontation over diplomacy. Washington needs to make clear to him just how dangerous and counter-productive that approach is.
Mr Obama needs to state clearly that the Israeli attack was unacceptable and back an impartial international investigation. The United states should also join the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council - Britain, France, Russia and China - in urging Israel to permanently lift the blockade. That would lessen the suffering of the people of Gaza and it would give the United States more credibility as it presses both Israelis and the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas to negotiate a peace deal.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico
What's more important, oil or the environment. Hard to decide? It shouldn't be, you can't sit on the fence on this one, you must take a side.
Now here's yet another problem for Obama - they want him to ease up on his drilling restrictions. He says his decision is necessary to give officials time to figure out what went wrong and how to prevent another disaster from happening. (Very logical)
But Senator David Vitter suggests instead of shutting down deep water drilling for six months which will affect 33 rigs in the gulf and ultimately result in up to 20,000 lost jobs (also very logical) the administration instead start an immediate and rigorous safety inspection campaign, while only shutting down those rigs that have problems that can't be addressed immediately.
So which way does Obama go? His daughter said "Daddy, please fix the oil leak" and the country wants the oil.
Would you be prepared to do without your car?
Was the Iraq War all about oil

What does this mean to you, an Australian, whose government sent troops into Iraq without a second thought. And what does it mean to all the mothers around the world whose sons died there.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Sydney Journalist on aid boat to Gaza

Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Gaza Blockade
Trying to get information on the Gaza Strip on the internet isn't easy, there's conflicting information. I read that Israel, the US and and the EU have been responsible for allowing 1.5 million people, mostly women and children, to live in abject poverty, 65% of children under 18 aren't getting enough food, they can't afford to buy soap, the price of safe drinking water has tripled, in 2009 65% of babies 9-12 months were severely anaemic and none of the 3,425 homes destroyed by Israel have been rebuilt, displacing 20,000 people. Then I find a picture showing an abundance of fruit and vegies for sale in Gaza. Someone is telling porkies.
Then I discover an organisation called IHH, headed by Bulent Yildirim, organised the aid for Gaza flotilla, Intelligence agencies warn it's tied to Islamic terrorists. Only one of the six ships headed for Gaza met with resistance from Israel, it was the Mavi Marmara and Bulent Yildirim was on it. Knowing that a violent episode was about the happen, he held a one year old baby in his arms as he said "This is a message to Israel". He's been recruiting sympathetic people from around the world to sail with him to Gaza which explains why there were so many foreigners on board. Are the two Sydney Morning Herald employees sympathetic to the cause of Gaza or are they after a good story, only time will tell.
Israel has many friends and allies around the world. How much better would it be to ruin their reputation in the eyes of their friends, let them see just how cruel and ruthless they really are. If this was the strategy, it worked very well because nations around the world, including Australia, have all dumped on Israel and are asking for an independent enquiry into the debacle.
Taking the opposite point of view, the Israelis have murdered innocent people and it's clearly an outrage. Haneen Zoabi, an Arab-Israeli MP who was on board said that Israeli commandos let at least two of the wounded die of their injuries while they searched the ship for weapons and herded the passengers into rooms. As the only Hewbrew speaker, she tried to solicit help from the commandos "I made a sign in Hewbrew 'Please we have two very dangerous injuries. Please give us help" she said. But the soldiers ignored her. "They died in the coming half hour" she told the London Times.
We have no idea what really happened, all we have is a video clip. I believe the activists knew very well they would be stopped and searched for arms, it happens all the time, and it's logical to assume they were expecting a confrontation. On the video you can clearly see people wielding what appears to be wooden or metal poles, as the soldiers descend onto the ship.
Rightly or wrongly, Israel is suffering condemnation from the world and needs a miracle of biblical proportions. I guess now she'll find out who her true friends are.