
Monday, June 7, 2010

BP boss Tony Hayward

The arrogance of BP boss Tony Hayward astounds me. He said there was no need for him to speak to President Obama about the oil spewing out into the Gulf of Mexico. He dismissed demands for his resignation and said they were finally making headway in plugging the leak.

He apologised for saying he 'wanted his life back' just weeks after the explosion that killed 11 workers. Asked in an interview if he considered resigning he said "It hasn't crossed my mind. It's clearly crossed other people's minds, but not mine."

He said that the mining industry had been exploring in deep water for over twenty years and it has not had to contend with an incident of this sort before. He admitted the company had been devastated by the disaster but said BP would survive and has the 'wherewithal to weather the storm and come back strongly.'

I think Tony Hayward will be held up as a future example of how not to handle a devastating oil spill. He badly needs a lesson in diplomacy and seems devoid of human feeling and compassion.

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