
Monday, August 2, 2010

Irishman Kelly says he would kill for Islam

Did you ever wonder why there are so many jokes about the Irish, well here's another one just waiting to be told. Irishman convert Khalid Kelly says he 'would kill for Islam'.

Kelly grew up in inner-city Dublin and was attracted to the British-based organization al-Muhajiroun which is now banned. He soon became their pin up boy - naturally they were proud that a home grown Irish lad had seen the light and converted to Islam. They sent him to Pakistan for weapons training and he's now home and has set up a group called 'Islam for Ireland'.

Kelly defended the 9/11 attacks and said that one day the world would be ruled by sharia law. In 2005 he was featured on CNN arguing that the bombings in the London underground were justified. In an interview he said "I'm already on the path to jihad..... Next week, inshallah, I could be in Afghanistan fighting a British soldier". But last week in London, Kelly said he believed intelligence agencies were tailing him in Pakistan and he began to fear for his life. Maybe that's why he didn't volunteer for Afghanistan.

He said "I went there to join people who were like-minded and help establish an Islamic state ..... but as a white convert, I stuck out like a sore thumb". (a joke in the making here)

Since April, he has been back in Ireland but doesn't seem quite as outspoken as he used to be 10 years ago. And he's making the Muslim community nervous - that's all they need - another nutter drumming up hatred towards their religion. In May, there was a protest held outside the Belgium embassy in Dublin against the proposed ban of full-faced veils. He spoke to the crowds about how the world was oppressing Muslims and that's when he said a very stupid thing - he dreamt of seeing "the black flag of Islam" over Dail Eireann (the Irish Parliament).

I find it hard to understand why this man feels free to spew bile and hatred towards others without fear of personal reprisal, I'm thinking maybe he should watch his back.

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