
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Israeli Soldier's Facebook Photo Error

Eden Abergil took a photo of herself with Palestiniana prisoners in the background and posted it on Facebook. When people were shocked, she couldn't understand why and says she has done nothing wrong. The photo album entitled "IDF (Israeli Defence Force) - the best time of my life'. We can only imagine how it went down in the Arab world.

But the amazing thing is that Abergil can't see what all the fuss is about - she doesn't understand how her picture could cause offence and refuses to apologise. "I still don't understand what's wrong, I have nothing to say sorry about. I treated them really well, I didn't abuse them, I didn't curse them, I didn't humiliate them - I merely took a picture near them".

The men were civilians from the Gaza Strip who had been caught trying to enter Israel, apparently in search of work. She said similar things like this took place in the Army every day and accuses the Army of abandoning her.

If ever the Palestinians needed another excuse to further their cause - this is it. They said "This shows the mentality of the occupier, to be proud of humiliating Palestinians...... it should end and Palestinian rights and dignity should be respected."

This ordinary Jewish girl, without knowing it, has given us an insight to her world - the normal everday routine of an Israeli soldier. To her, the fact that these men are sitting there blindfolded and bound isn't unusual, it's just normal routine, but to us, it's a shock. She wanted to share with the world that her stint in the Israeli Army was "the best time of my life" but didn't realize what an impact the helpless Palestinian prisoners in the background would have.

It's not clear if Abergil will face disciplinary action over the incident, she completed her compulsory military service in 2008. Asked whether the images could damage Israel's image she said "We will always be attacked, whatever we do, we will always be attacked".

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