
Monday, September 20, 2010

Burqa Ban in Australia

What a surprise! Muslim women telling us that Islam values are far superior to our "flawed" Western ones. They were out in force yesterday at Lakemba in Sydney trying to convice us that the hideous garment, the burqa, has nothing to do with the oppression of women.

Fautmeh Ardati, member of the Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahir said "Despite the intense negative propaganda against Islam and in particular, the lies about its treatment of women, the number of western women embracing Islam continues to rise at a rapid rate" she said. "By turning their backs on this flawed way of life, it is testament of the superiority of Islamic values over Western values". No arrogance there.

But she wasn't finished. Women had two options, she said. "The Western secular way of life, which robs a woman of her dignity, honour and respect, where she is considered a little more than a commodity to be bought and sold, or the option of Islam, where a woman's dignity, respect and honour are priceless". It's obvious she hasn't seen the video of a young woman being stoned to death or heard about the young girl who was buried alive by her angry brother and father.

There were about 2000 people at the rally yesterday and the women and men were segregated. Sheik Shady al-Suleiman said Muslims loved Australia (yeah right) but rejected interference in the practice of their religion. "Keep away from our affairs" he said.

Well Shady, someone needs to give you an important message. Every display of hatred towards Australians like this one only makes things worse. Why won't you go and live in a Muslim country and leave us alone?

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