
Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Labor Cabinet Announcement Imminent

Kevin Rudd's future is about to be revealed any minute as Julia Gillard reshuffles her cabinet. Will she keep her promise and give him the job he wants - Foreign Minister? I wonder how Stephen Smith feels, tipped to be moved to Defence, recently vacated by John Faulkner - he said he was very happy being Foreign Minister. I also wonder what she will do with Bill Shorten and Mark Arbib, the men who brought Kevin Rudd down in June. I would guess that the promotion of either man would go down like a lead balloon. And there's Rob Oakeshott who was so crucial in her re-election? Decisions, Decisions.

Peter Garrett could go because of the insulation debacle and also Penny Wong's job looks threatened. Heads are rolling in Canberra today. "It's the worst Federal campaign I have ever seen" Labor pollster Rod Cameron said. "The fact that Labor just snuck into government is an absolute disgrace" and added that those in charge should not be allowed to direct a campaign ever again.

Coalaition leader Tony Abbott also has his problems - the main one being Malcolm Turnbull. Surely he wouldn't be so bold as to challenge for the leadership - Tony did a pretty good job in almost toppling a first term government. But Malcolm's personal ambition and political savvy is well known. If Turnbull were given the Communications portfolio, his job would be to fight Stephen Conroy over the net filter and the national broadband network. Now that would be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I'm all for promoting Mr. Rudd to the front bench as long as other deadwood are given the flick.
