
Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Reverend Fred Nile

Reverend Fred Nile is the National President of the Christian Democratic party, a conservative party which focuses mainly on important moral issues. He is vehemently opposed to drug use, violence against women and children and the mistreatment of Aboriginal people by state and federal governments. He is also against pornography, abortion and homosexuality.

So it was a big shock today to learn that Fred's Parliamentary office computer is one of the biggest viewers of pornography. But Fred says 'Not me' - he has never looked at pronography on his computer but his staff have used his log-on for research purposes - 200,000 hits have been recorded on his log on - that's a lot of research!

There are also several other MPs, including one from the Coalition, who have been gambling and watching porn at work. A staffer for Fred Nile confirmed he had looked at sites to research the activities of the Sex Party and also the proposed internet filter.

Paul McLeay was forced to resign from the front bench yesterday. He admitted accessing porn and gambling sites in his ministerial office and also as a back bencher. He is the fourth minister to resign during Premier Keneally's nine months in the job. Not long ago, happily married family man David Campbell was outed for visiting a gay sex club, Ian McDonald over travel rorts, Karyn Paluzzano for lying to ICAC and John Della Bosca for having an affair in parliament. NSW Labor members are indeed a motley crew and one wonders who will be next.

There were rumours that members were gambling on line so a fire wall was installed in July but Legislative Council President Amanda Fazio chose not to install a fire wall for the upper house because she "was against internet censorship".

This outcome could resonate across the whole country where every day, people feel free to access unsavoury sites at work. Maybe now they'll realise that their computer knows everything about them and their true character is hidden inside.

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