
Monday, September 13, 2010

Rob Oakeshott, Independent MP for Lyne

In 2007 when Morris Iemma was Premier of NSW, he had a meeting with Independent MP Rob Oakeshott. Oakeshott asked to be considered for the job of a minister in the Iemma Labor government. But last Friday, he said he couldn't remember any such meeting taking place.

This upstart is a total fraud and pretender. Last Tuesday he put on a good show of pretending to weigh up all promises made from both parties but he didn't realize that his meeting with Iemma would become common knowledge. Iemma thought about the request and consulted several senior ministers including Michael Coster, who has confirmed that the meeting took place. Prime Minister Gillard offered this man a ministry and wonder what she thinks of him now and how glad she must be that he declined to take it.

Oakeshot grew up on Sydney's north shore, son of a prominent doctor and went to Barker College. After graduating from Sydney University he worked briefly at the Road Transport Forum before becoming a staffer for Mr Vaile, the newly elected National Party Federal MP for Lyne. Six years later in 2002, he split with the Nationals to become an independent.

Last month, he was re-elected with a large majority but Lyne is an anti-Labor electorate, in fact their anti Labor/Greens vote was the second biggest in the country. So what did he do? He pretended to weigh up all offers from both parties and do the right thing for the country, when all along, he followed his heart and voted Labor - the exact opposite of what the people of his electorate wanted.

I suspect his time in the bear pit of Canberra will be an interesting one.

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