
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Julie Gillard's First 100 Days

Andrew Robb

Some members of the Canberra press seem to think that the Opposition camp isn't a very happy one at the moment. Peter Slipper's move to take on the Deputy Speaker's job was a shock out of the blue and the relationship between Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Spokesman Andrew Robb, seems to be deteriorating.

Joe Hockey
It was different before the election, things looked great for the Opposition. Julia had knifed Kevin in the back, lots of mistakes were made, and Tony Abbott looked set to win. But after one week back on the job, the Coalition's morale seems to be flagging. No one expected Kevin Rudd to behave the way he has, instead of being a petulant, bitter loser, he's faced up to his assasssination with remarkable dignity. Tony could be forgiven for thinking it would be impossible for Julia and Kevin to ever work together again after what happened but it's working just fine so far.
So Julia Gillard's first 100 days in office have been memorable to say the least, it's a miracle she's still standing. But it's very early days.

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