
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Matthew Appleby Disappearance

Matthew Appleby had no reason to disappear, the 16 year old came from a loving family, was a bright student and seemed mentally stable. "He was a quiet lad, he enjoyed school, he was a fit young fellow who enjoyed his rugby and there is absolutely nothing to go on and no sign of foul play" the police inspector said.

His backpack was found on Avoca Beach on Tuesday and contained fewer text books that Matthew would normally carry as well as his school shirt, but his lunch box and drink bottle were missing. Two days later, as his father walked up the beach once more, he found his boy's shoes about 100m from where his backpack was found.

Avoca is a beachside suburub on the central coast, about 100 kms north of Sydney. State Emergency Service volunteers scoured rocks around the area and found his discarded clothing and when his dad found his shoes, the police called off the search.

But Matthew was living a secret life, he'd been skipping school since August and Terrigal High School had been sending letters to his parents. But he managed to persuade them there was no cause for alarm because his absence from school hadn't been reflected in his marks. He was one of those kids who don't need to study, he could stay away from school for weeks and still excel at exams. He had his sight set on becoming a pilot. He skipped classes and went on all-day hikes around the central coast area.

Matthew was last seen last Monday when he walked his little brother to school at 8.30am and then he vanished. Police say they hold fears for his safety but don't believe his disappearance is suspicious. After his dad found the shoes, everyone thinks he went for a swim and drowned but his distraught family are still clinging to the hope that he may be found alive.
Footnote: Sadly, Matthew's body was found washed up on Forresters Beach nearly three weeks after he went missing. Police believe he died shortly after he dropped his little brother off at school on October 18 and that there is no evidence that Matthew was being bullied at school or had other issues.

1 comment:

  1. Why did not Matthews parents make sure he had money when going to school. Why did they not even bother about the letters sent by the school. I feel very sorry for Matthew and feel he has been neglected. I feel the Police are covering these parents and they have a lot to answer for. How did they find any belongings on the beach late at night.
