
Friday, October 15, 2010

Murray Darling Basin Fear Sets In

The stress is starting to show on their faces. People of the Riverina are furious - the proposed water cuts for this region are around 43%. Many people are already in hock to the banks and are frightened for their future - they don't see one. Around 5,000 farmers, business opertors, civic leaders and members of the community gathered at the Yoogali Club yesterday morning in Griffith.

But the people from the Murray Darling Authority didn't give them the answers they wanted and at one point a farmer threw a fake horse's head at Mike Taylor, spokesman for the Authority. He yelled that the water cuts would force his family off the land. Then some men set about burning box after box of copies of the Authority's Guide. This is truly bizarre behaviour for conservative farmers.

The meeting ended with a motion from the floor that Mike Taylor return to Canberra and demand that Water Act 2007 be revisited and reviewed immediately with sensible and positive outcomes for food producers and regional areas. The motion was passed with strong vocal support.

It wasn't any better in Shepparton. One woman, Alison Couston had a noose around her neck. "I have a noose around my neck, I really have" she said "This is where we are heading, it's like someone holding a gun to your head."

Kevin Sutton from Stanhope said "We cannot have this region close down because of some smart decisions made by a group who have not been given any authority by the people of the region" he said. The debacle continues.

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