
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tony Abbott Still Furious with Julia Gillard

Tony Abbott is still fuming about what he sees as Julia Gillard's deliberate attempt to make him look bad regarding a visit to the troops in Afghanistan. "What I want to make crystal clear (again) is that I just won't cop any suggestion that I am indifferent to the fate of our troops or uninterested in the success of their mission" he told a news conference.
Now Liberal frontbencher Christopher Pine has jumped in and made things even worse when he said "She's prepared to play politics with our involvement in Afghanistan.... trying to create the impression that Tony Abbott didn't want to visit the diggers in the field was not just an act of political bastardry, but also back alley bitchiness from a person who is portraying all the signs of someone who is not fit to be Prime Minister". Dear me, this is really getting out of hand and I think it's making the Opposition look foolish.

As promised to the Greens, Julia Gillard will kick off a parliamentary debate on the war in Afghanistan next week. She will deliver a speech in parliament after question time on Tuesday, followed by Tony Abbott.

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