
Friday, November 19, 2010

Australian Asylum Seeker Crisis

Christmas Island Detention Centre

Australia's problem with asylum seekers has reached crisis point. Last week an inmate of the Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney killed himself. His name was Jamal Daoud. The ambulance arrived 35 minutes after he was found by another inmate but he could not be revived. He had been held in detention on Christmas Island for about a year before being transferred to Villawood. His refugee claim had been rejected and all appeals exhausted by the Immigration Department and he was being sent home. It's a tragic story. He leaves behind a wife and two children.

The Social Justice Network (SJN) says that after hearing the news about Mr Daoud's suicide at Villawood, around 250 people on Christmas Island immediately went on a hunger strike which is now into its third day and some are planning to sew their lips together. They say their strike is to focus attention onto the deadly slow process of their applications.

Meanwhile, the boats keep coming and the agony continues.

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