
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Julian Assange's New Lawyer

After reading Assange's 'Don't Shoot the Messenger' plea, I've changed my thinking about WikiLeaks. When he says our Australian troops were not compromised in any way when the Afghan cables were leaked, I now choose to believe him and he better be telling the truth. And it looks like public opinion is swinging his way, the few opinion polls I've seen are definitely on his side.

When he gave himself up, he was denied bail which may have come as a shock - it's a bit hard to defend your extradition to Sweden from behind bars. Six people quickly came forward and offered 20,000 pounds each to get him out but the judge wasn't moved, hinting that he could be in danger. A second bail application is being drafted.

But the cavalry are coming over the hill. Well known and much respected Australian-born human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson QC has cut short his annual summer holiday in Sydney and flew back to the UK last night to represent Assange. He's a regular visitor to Australia with his popular 'Hypothetical' debates. He has specialised experience in fighting legal attempts to extradite people to Scandanavian countries.

I'm hoping the Swedish sex charges turn out to be false. One of the charges is by a woman, a Miss W, who said that on 17 August Asssange had sex with her while she was asleep. She must be a very heavy sleeper.

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