
Monday, December 13, 2010

Swedish Suicide Bomber Linked to UK

Iraqi-born Taimour-Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly 28, blew up his car, then himself, in Stockholm. He spent most of the last ten years living in Luton where he studied for a degree and lived with his wife a children. Two days ago he set his car on fire then walked 200 metres and blew himself up. But it didn't go to plan, he expected to kill many more people - he had five more pipe bombs on his body that failed to go off. Just minutes before, he sent an email to police and a news agency warning of deadly reprisals for having Swedish soldiers in Afghanistan. He was also upset about caricatures of Mohammed drawn three years ago by Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks.

Luton has a Muslim population of around 20,000 and is linked to many high profile extremists - last year they disrupted a homecoming march of soldiers returning from Afghanistan. Here is yet another incident of a terrorist studying at a UK university. Last year Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian, tried to blow up an aeroplane with explosive hidden in his underwear on Boxing Day.

So why did he pick on Sweden? He moved there with his parents when he was 11 until 2001 when he went to Luton university. He moved back to Sweden recently and is believed to have separated from his wife. In Luton, a taxi driver employee who worked across the road from where the bomber lived said "We used to see him all the time, he lived across the road with his wife, a chubby lady who wore a full veil that covered everything apart from her eyes". He added "She was really quiet and never said anything. I haven't seen him around lately but she's still there with her two little kids."

He put this photo of himself on a Muslim website - he said he was looking for a devout wife to add to his family and hoped to return to a Muslim country one day to settle down.

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