
Friday, January 7, 2011

Facebook Friends

What does having friends on Facebook really mean? Apparently not a whole lot. Depressed charity worker Simone Back 42, said goodbye to her friends on line and told them she was going to kill herself and not one of her 1,082 friends cared enough to stop her. On Christmas Day she wrote "I took all my pills, will be dead soon, so bye bye everyone". One user said she was a liar who "overdoses all the time" and another said "It's her choice". Not much compassion there.

Miss Back's friend Samantha Owen said "Everyone just carried on arguing with eachother like it wasn't happening - some of those people lived within walking distance of Simone - if just one person had left their computer and went to her house, her life could have been saved."

Her distraught mother had no idea what had happened and received a text message which said "Get help, I am disabled and can't get up the stairs to Simone's flat so I called the police straight away."

A statement from Facebook said they were "deeply saddened" to hear of her death. Simone's mother posted one last message on her daughter's Facebook page "My daughter Simone passed away today so please leave her alone now".

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