
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WikiLeaks and the Swiss Banker

There will be some people in high places all over the world very worried at the moment. Rudolf Elmer, a former director of Bank Julius Baer in the Cayman Islands is due in court tomorrow in Zurich to answer charges of bank secrecy regarding information he gave to WikiLeaks in 2007. He said he wanted the world to know the truth about money concealed in offshore accounts to avoid tax.

So why did he blow the whistle? He says it's damaging our society but I suspect there's another reason, one that we will probably never know.

The information includes around 40 politicians, celebrities, multinational companies and banks from the US, Europe and Asia. "The money is hiding in off-shore secret banking jurisdictions". He also said he offered the information to former German finance minister Peer Steinbrueck for free but received no response. Assange said everything on the disks would be verified before publication.

I'm surprised that Mr Assange and Mr Elmer are still breathing.

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