
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Egypt on the brink of freedom

We are now realizing that there could be dire consequences resulting from Egypt's revolt against Mubarak. It's a bit like the devil you know could be better than the alternative. The free world are arrogantly sticking their noses in and saying what should happen but the bottom line is that the Muslim Brotherhood said yesterday that they would review Egypt's peace treaty with Israel should they come to power. This news must surely cause great angst for Israel - the Camp David peace accord was signed by the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and the Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1979.

But the Brotherhood got a bit of a shock - the massive street protests led by secular, middle-class youths have rejected any attempt by mainstream political parties to take control, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Many of the protesters on Tahrir Square said that they want the peace treaty with Israel to remain. Could this mean that a new wave of educated youth is emerging who are not religious zealouts of Islam?

The Brotherhood admitted that it had little chance of taking the lead in a future government. "We couldn't dominate this movement even if we wanted to," Mr el-Mursi said. "The Muslim Brotherhood does not seek power. We will not put forward a candidate for the presidency." He added, however, that they would participate in a future parliament.

Aware that they are feared by the West, the Brotherhood stressed yesterday that they wanted a secular, democratic Egypt, rather than one dominated by Sharia, or Islamic law. Analysts believe that the Brotherhood could muster about 25 per cent of the vote in immediate elections, but note that the share could drop as long-suppressed secular parties gain ground.

But it's not over yet.

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