
Friday, July 29, 2011

Anders Behring Brevik is not a Christian

Anders Behring Brevik calls himself a Christian conservative. What a terrible insult to Christianity. Any wonder Christians around the world are appalled to think their religion is being linked to this cold-blooded killer who deliberately shot young people in the face. The outrage reminds me of how Muslims react when Islam is ridiculed or slandered but there is one important difference - Christians don’t threaten to kill those who criticize their religion and they don’t massacre hundreds of innocent people either. Calling himself a Christian is disgusting.

Anders Breivik presented to the world as a peaceful young man who lives with his 60 year old mother in downtown Oslo, in fact butter wouldn’t melt. On his Facebook page he says he’s single, enjoys hunting, literature, classical music and is a fan of Winston Churchill. On July 17 he posted his only Twitter comment, a quote by the British philosopher John Stuart Mill “One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests.”

He was active on anti-Islamic websites and thought that Scandinavian media was not critical enough of Islam. He was also an active participant of far-right blogs such as Brussels Journal and Gates of Vienna and claims to belong to a modern day Knights Templar, the order of Christian crusaders who in modern times are popular with conspiracy theorists and feature in novels of Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code.

But don’t tell me he’s crazy because I don’t believe it for a minute, he knew exactly what he was doing. Now this tiny nation of only 5 million people have to decide what to do with him.

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. It’s a standard measure of well-being, especially child welfare and is used to distinguish whether the country is developed, developing or under-developed and also gauges that country's quality of life. From 2001 to 2007 and again in 2009 and 2010, Norway had the hightest HDI ranking in the world. Oh, the irony.


  1. The fact that you are a Christian is unbelievably true, but that doesn’t mean you are objective, perceptive or intelligent person posting this post and expressing your thoughts in the way you have done here. Actually I feel obliged to point out the parts of the text I felt most offended and frustrated about.
    1) I am a Catholic, but that doesn’t mean there is just one type of Christians. If he considered himself a Christian, he could have been very demanding to the world and other Christians. It is possible that he referred to himself as a crusader, who punished the ones (as a group, not individuals) that were responsible for the decay of Christianity in Norway, which was letting Muslims to come in. I am definitely not defending him, because there is nothing that can justify it, but yes – he could be a Christian and there is nothing you can do about it.
    2) I am 99% sure he was crazy. As you possibly might have read or heard, there are hundreds of mental illnesses that are able to affect people in horrible ways. As you might have also heard, there is a saying that every genius is crazy – and in a way you might find him a genius, doing something impossible and unbelievable, what a normal person couldn’t ever do. Again, I am not defending him, but either his actions showed he was crazy or a genius. It is for all of us to consider. But a normal person could never, ever do that.
    3) The last but not least – I was personally offended about “tiny nation of only 5 million people” and “Norway had the hightest HDI ranking in the world. Oh, the irony.” I come from a nation of 2 million and it has never occurred to me that you judge the strengths or wisdom of a nation based on the amount of people. Take a look around – the USA with 311 million people is considered to be one of the dumbest nations. And about the 2nd point – what the hell does HDI ranking to do with this situation? And how dare you to even think about this situation as ironic?! What exactly is ironic here? The fact that the country with the best quality of life for almost all of the recent decade has had it first horrible accident? The fact that a crazy person shoots about 70 children in a camp? No, I am completely serious, what does the HDI ranking have to do with this situation? If you are one of the people just reading statistical data and not seeing the people and human factor behind it, I am truly sorry for you.
    I do hope you will read through your entry and consider at least some of your ideas expressed here.
    P.S. – sorry about the grammar, English is my 3rd language

  2. Sir Anders Behring Brevik IS a christian...

  3. Mr/Mrs Arrogant European says that America is considered to be one of the dumbest nations. With that sort of mindset, no further comment is necessary.

  4. Actually I never said "that America is considered to be one of the dumbest nations." I said "USA with 311 million people is considered to be one of the dumbest nations." I never pointed this to be my personal evaluation, but as a common idea about Americans. So if you have problems with expressing your view about the article and my comment, I would really like to hear them, as I am open minded to an objective discussion.

  5. Oh, sorry, misread it. But still - this is not my personal view, but I just reflected the subjective mind of the author. So, if you are open to an unprejudiced discussion, I would love to participate.
    Doesn't the author of the article have to say anything?

