
Monday, July 18, 2011

Labor Hits Rock Bottom

The carbon tax is killing the Labor Party who now hold just 26 per cent of the primary vote. Suddenly big money is being laid on Simon Crean to become the new leader, last week he was $101 and now he’s $11 on both SportsBet and BetStar.

Nielsen pollster John Stirton says the majority of voters want a new election so they can ditch the carbon tax. For the first time, Tony Abbott is the voter's preferred choice as prime minister, now at 51 per cent, up five points, and 11 points clear of Julia Gillard.

But Nielsen says it’s possible Labor could recover. "John Howard famously came back from very low numbers in April 2001 to win the 2001 election, some say under the extraordinary circumstances of September 11 and Tampa, but he was on the way back before those events. So it is recoverable, but it is going to take something extraordinary. But there are two years to do it, and two years is a very long time" Mr Stirton said.

Simon Crean is said to be Julia's mentor so it seems unlikely he would entertain a leadership change again, especially after the public backlash from Kevin Rudd's demise - Graham Richardson said recently that Labor would follow Gillard over a cliff before they would ever consider Kevin Rudd coming back as leader. Defence Minister Stephen Smith is popular and then there's Greg Combet and Bill Shorten.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Hold your nerve - I hear someone say. How ironic that Kevin Rudd is now more popular than any other Labor MP, even the Liberals like him. He was pictured having coffee in Melbourne on the weekend after some idiots supporting the Palestinian cause targeted a Jewish cafe. "I'm here to support Jewish businesses" he said with a smile. Oh Kevy, revenge is so sweet.

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