
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

London Riots

The youngsters who went on a rampage in the UK, destroying everything in their path, setting fire to buildings and cars and smashing shop windows and stealing everything they could carry, won’t feel any guilt or shame about what they have done. Life is so boring with no job to go to or exams to pass, any form of excitement is welcome.

Most are illiterate and have no chance of ever getting a job, not that they want one, but they are out there - a website has 2,228 apprenticeship vacancies listed in London. These feral children are a product of generations of families caught in the poverty trap of welfare - they have no skills, morals, education, ambition or patriotism.

In times past, when the poor were starving and stole a loaf of bread, they would be put on ships and sent to Australia but with the best of intentions, the welfare state has eliminated real want – everyone now has enough money to survive and some would argue that this is the result.

But it's not a happy life, they are the have-nots, stuck in the limited world of people on welfare benefits. Some are saying its a reaction to the government’s austerity measures, then there’s the acceptable lifestyle of single mothers who are encouraged to bring up their children on benefits – having a husband who works to support the family is no longer necessary.

The law definitely isn't helping, they make laws that seem to protect the rights of the perpetrator and not the victim. Police actually arrest householders who have taken appropriate action and belted some lout as they were breaking into his house - surely this is an insane way to treat law-abiding, good people. And forget about schools, they gave up on discipline ages ago because they know they can never win.

But all this is very familiar, it happens here too - we have our own underclass of undisciplined children. We too are reaping the rewards of living in a country that provides us with enough money to survive quite well without ever having to work a single day in our lives.

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