
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Anonymous Outs Pedophiles

The Internet hacktivist group Anonymous have closed down 40 websites and exposed alleged pedophiles who use the sites for sharing child pornography. They have released usernames and other information of 1,589 people trading or watching kiddie porn.

The Anonymous campaign began on October 14 when some of its members were browsing a darknet site called Hidden Wiki which is an index containing hundreds of underground websites that can’t be seen by search engines or viewed by regular internet users.

They found a hidden Wiki listing called “Hard Candy” dedicated to links to child pornography. Most of the pedophile-content sites listed on the Hidden Wiki, “shared a digital fingerprint with the shared hosting server at Freedom Hosting.” The AnonMessage and BecomeAnonymous YouTube channels both posted videos with statements of intent to hunt, skin and kill pedobears everywhere, starting with Freedom Hosting.

They released this statement on Pastebin:

The owners and operators at Freedom Hosting are openly supporting child pornography and enabling pedophiles to view innocent children, fueling their issues and putting children at risk of abduction, molestation, rape and death. For this, Freedom Hosting has been declared #OpDarknet Enemy Number One. By taking down Freedom Hosting, we are eliminating 40+ child pornography websites, among these is Lolita City, one of the largest child pornography websites to date containing more than 100 GB of child pornography. We will continue to not only crash Freedom Hosting’s server, but any other server we find to contain, promote, or support child pornography.

Anonymous extended the threats beyond the cluster of Hidden Wiki’s index:

Remove all child pornography content from your servers. Refuse to provide hosting services to any website dealing with child pornography.

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