
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Carbon Tax Passes in Lower House

At 9.37am yesterday the Prime Minister's carbon tax was passed with a majority of just two votes and the support of Independents Tony Windsor, Rob Oakeshott and Green MP Adam Brandt. And as Labor members embraced and congratulated each other, a large majority of Australians, right across the country, were outraged, that their PM was able to introduce a law they vehemently reject.

The PM went back on her promise when she said those now famous words "There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead" and people are now feeling betrayed because they believed her. And when Kevin Rudd planted a kiss on Julia Gillard's cheek, the hypocrisy was too much for many, with the Opposition calling it the "Judas Kiss." With the bill likely to sail through the Senate next month, Australia will become the first country in the world with an economy-wide carbon tax by July 1.

Tony Abbott promised to repeal the tax if elected and made a rather dramatic statement. "I am giving you the most definite commitment any politician can give that this tax will go - this is a pledge in blood - this tax will go" he said.

Eighty angry protesters in the gallery interrupted question time by shouting down the PM with "No mandate" and "Democracy is dead" and wonder if she is aware just how unpopular this piece of legislation really is.

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