
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pippa Middleton Not Wife Material

Pippa Middleton, the younger sister of the future Queen of England, fell in love with Alex Loudon and thought she was happy. Little did she realize that her lover hated being the centre of attention so much, that he ended their relationship. He couldn’t cope with the media “circus” that surrounded his girlfriend everywhere they went.

He is reported to be intensely private and strait-laced with a very close-knit circle of old Etonian friends who have no time for celebrity. He was so upset at being constantly followed by the paparazzi, he stopped going out.

Whether Pippa likes it or not, she is now a celebrity and the man she chooses to be with will also attract a huge amount of media attention. Alex’s family comes from a long line of baronets, admirals and statesmen and his parents see Pippa as ‘not wife material’.

Meanwhile, Pippa doesn’t know it yet but fate has dealt her one of the best hands of her life and one day she will thank her lucky stars that Alex and this pompous family will no longer be a part of her life.

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