
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Muslim cleric "Happiest man in England"

The British government have been trying to send hate preacher Abu Qatada back to his home country for a long time but the European Court of Human Rights has ruled against it. He’s wanted in Jordan on terror charges and the judges have ruled that Qatada should not be sent back unless assurances are given that evidence gained through torture will not be used against him.

Before the 11 September attacks on the US, Britain ignored warnings from half a dozen friendly governments about Abu Qatada’s links with terrorist groups and refused to arrest him. But in October 2002 he was arrested in South London and taken to prison, and the long battle for his deportation began.

Qatada was born Omar Othman but changed his name to Abu Qatada after an Islamic scholar he admired. He was allowed to enter Britain in 1993 after travelling on a false United Arab Emirates passport and later claimed asylum, despite his family admitting there was no specific threat against him from the Jordanian authorities at that time.

The 51 year old cleric who has been described as ‘Osama Bin Laden’s right hand man in Europe’ asked to switch houses a week after being released from prison in February and it seems the authorities were only too happy to oblige. He was living in Wembly, North London and paying 1,900 pounds a month rent which was paid through benefits. But when the property owner found out who was living in his house he was furious and wanted him out. Qatada’s brother said the family are very happy with their new house and that his brother was "the happiest man in England" because it had more bedrooms and a bigger garden. He added “My brother cannot work so the British government fund his family to live there.”

His new neighbours have no idea that their new neighbour is Britain’s most hated man. Under the terms of his bail, he can only leave the house for two hours a day and fills his days reading Islamic texts and watching Isamic TV channels. But the cost of watching him 24/7 on bail, (around 5 million pounds a year) is 100 times more than keeping him in a high-security prison so why isn't he still in there?

The British situation with Abu Qatada is now a laughing matter. How did Britain ever get itself into the situation where Judges from other countries have the right to rule that this man cannot be deported? He hates everything Britain stands for, but is happy to allow the British taxpayer to continue footing the bill for him and his family to live a comfortable life. 

Political correctness at its best.

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