
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Allison Bayden-Clay Missing

It’s a week today since Allison Baden-Clay went missing. Last Thursday night, Gerard Baden-Clay said his wife left the house to go for a walk and he went to bed. The next morning he reported her missing.
This is no ordinary family. Allison was a member of the Australian Youth Ballet for five years and is fluent in Japanese, French, German, Danish and Swiss-German.  She became Flight Centre’s global human resources manager, overseeing staff in six countries and then staff recruiter at the International Scout Centre in Switzerland. 
Mr Baden-Clay founded the Century 21 real estate branch in West End, an inner city suburb of Brisbane and he is also the grandson of the Scouting movement founder, Robert Baden-Powell.
Mr Baden-Clay was questioned by police about scratches on his face and it appears he is recovering from a car accident which occurred just two days after his wife disappeared. He was taken to hospital after he crashed his car into the bus terminal outside a shopping centre on Sunday afternoon.
Police and volunteers have been searching bushland beyond the sprawling million-dollar homes, where Ms Baden-Clay was known to go walking but hopes are now fading that she will be found alive. The glamorous couple have been described as inseparable and have three daughters 10, 8 and 5.
It’s easy to jump to conclusions after seeing Mr Baden-Clay sobbing on the television news, but police say he is no longer “a person of interest”. However they spent several hours yesterday interviewing a woman who is a work colleague at Mr Baden-Clay’s real estate office and he has now hired a lawyer.
Police have asked residents in the Brookfield, Kenmore and Pullenvale areas to search their properties for any sign of the mother or her mobile phone."Time is running out," said police Superintendent Shane Dall'osto.

Edit 14 December 2012  Today Mr Bayden-Clay's lawyers have introduced another twist to the tragic murder mystery of the beautiful young mother, Allison Bayden-Clay.  They reapplied for bail stating there had been a significant change in circumstances - Mrs Bayden-Clay's toxicology report found "significant concentrations" of the anti-depressant drug Zoloft in her body, inferring that she may have taken her own life.  The judge wasn't convinced and bail was once again denied.


  1. Look a little more carefully at the work history of both, but particularly his. All is not as it seems. At least Gerard did eventually fall into the tight field for his ilk. Real estate. Where liars abound.

  2. What a coward. Why would you defame Gerard at this time? Sink the boots in when he is down?
    The man needs support. His kids need support. Allison needs to be found.

    You weak, pathetic coward - on the attack to attempt to assassinate the character of a man in an unimaginable situation... unable to defend himself against a faceless opponent.

  3. 10pm at night... Supposedly adoring husband lets his 'angel' go out walking on her own...What's wrong with this picture?

  4. This will be a Crime Scene Australia episode one day. It is usually always the husband that is'll see

  5. Ps. I guess this has been a real passion killer for Gerard and his floozy. Shame on them both.

  6. Guess his having an affair with his work colleague is out now that was an obvious. Time will reveal all I am sure. Poor Allison and very much poor children to suffer at the hands of pathetic adult selfishness.

  7. He prob strangled her during an argument. Seems to be the commonest way this type of scenario ends. Then his extreme narcissism had him thinking he could get away with it. If he had called the cops straight away and said he had "accidentally" strangled her during an altercation he prob would have only served 6 years or so instead of life. Sorry I know that all sounds a bit cold but that is usually how it seems to work.

    Yes, poor kids...

  8. Anonymous (who labels OTHERS as cowardly) states: What a coward. Why would you defame Gerard at this time? Sink the boots in when he is down?
    The man needs support. His kids need support. Allison needs to be found.

    You weak, pathetic coward - on the attack to attempt to assassinate the character of a man in an unimaginable situation... unable to defend himself against a faceless opponent.

    Well!! What can I say? I think he has done a FINE job of this all by himself. Don't you? Just goes to show that you never really know someone, do you? Even when you think you do. ;-) "Character" and "two year affair" are really terms that are quite at odds with each other. Reread your words. Re support - the only people in need of that right now are those poor children and their grandparents, particularly the Dickie family.
    Gerard can find "comfort" in the arms of his lover. Although I daresay the gloss has worn off for her now. Or is said lover really a HE?

  9. I reckon he is guilty. The very
    1st comment on here. Interesting...the 2nd dodgy....

  10. what kind of person would even allow his wife to go out for a walk alone at that time of night
    whats wrong with using the car go for a drive instead of walking much safer in a car [ if he was having an affair it is no ones bussiness those poor girls have lost their mother how sad very sad and if he did it that means that they will lose both parents how sad [did anyone hear the car start up at night those poor children they dont diserve this and her parents and his as well

  11. I hope the law brings the person responsible for this to justice.

    I find it a bit sus that before Alisons body was found Gerard made a comment saying something like "i need to look after my kids right now". I think its a bit strange he referred to the children as "my kids" and not "our kids". Does anybody else think it was a strange comment??

  12. Yes it was a strange comment. Also the comment that the kids were his main priority now, when you would assume the safe return of his wife would be.
    And the way he shakes his head while insisting he's helping the police is a bit sketchy. His conspicuous absence when Allisons parents appealed for her return, a very strange car accident two days after she went missing, engaging two lawyers, the scratch on his face (and allegedly chest) and the proximity of the body to a scouts camp he would've been very familiar with raises many questions indeed.

  13. The parents of Anna Maria have said straight out 'their daughter would NEVER go out for a walk at 10pm at night'...he husband did it. hang the bastrad!

  14. Do you know any woman who walks at 10pm by themselves? Especially when she normally goes in the morning? To drag a woman from a vehicle to a creek bed etc would need to be quite strong, and would also more than likely be familiar with the area? What were the kids doing at 10pm - asleep? Then perfect time to slip out and follow the wife - especially if they had been arguing. She may have decided to get out for some fresh air and calm down, and he may have followed her. I'd say he's lost his cool. See the interview on tv - wasn't very convincing I must say.

    I feel extremely sorry for her parents and of course the children. Such a sad ending. RIP Allison.

  15. Be interesting to see if there's been any 'new' or change to a life insurance policy? Be ironic, if the coroner's report comes back as 'suicide', negating any life policy, wouldn't it? Can understand a domestic dispute, wife storms out, hubby has another beer & goes to sleep (a common scenario) and only realises she's not there in the morning - that's reasonable.
    Also reasonable is the she charges off in car, he follows, more argument, she threatens to jump from bridge, he tries to stop, gets scratched but fails to hold her back.... maybe he's a total mess inside his head - like Lindy was about Azaria - frozen by fear 'no one will believe me'

  16. Well the business Allegedly wasn't doing well, but wouldn't murder also negate the life insurance if he did it?
    On the note of the "other woman", perhaps she is nearly as innocent as his wife? believing what he says perhaps that he is leaving his wife, gets sucked in because she loves him, even perhaps doing the right thing on her part and splitting from her partner if they exist... all the while beilieving Gerard? Doesn't also paint a good picture of Gerard. All I can say is I have found very few real estate salesman or car salesman that don't bend the truth to suit themselves and get the sale.

  17. “Honesty, integrity and no surprises … to provide anything less is to put the client in jeopardy.”

    that is what he has on rpdata... well we already know there was an affair, blows all of this out the water.

  18. Real estate agents and used car salesman have a lot in common.

  19. well the rumour mills are running hot..I do not think gbc did it but is involved...The jungle drums and hearsay follows.......up to 5 may be may have been about unpaid loans...,and may have been preplanned,,,just what ive heard elseware ................

  20. Well you should all be a shame of your self ..First all of you commenting on this and the media do not think those poor little girls will one day read all this ...For a start now they have lost both Mum and Dad and some where in school play ground some kid going to have something to say they alway do Because the media and people keep run at the mouth .. He should be jail if he did it but it not for the media or the public to make there own story up .Come on not one of use where there and we dont know what happen ..I think the media and your self should all back off as the poor little girls will read all this some day and they will always wonder what was truth and what was not .. It sad for the childern .. one other thing I read were he look up as the media put it `taking the fith` well for all the smart media reporter out there it as Pleading the 5th .. So come on if your running of at the mouth or printing a paper get it right what ever happen a fair hearing .. God bless those childern keep them safe and have some sort of a happy life and let hope there never read some of these comment after all he still there father and some day he will have to answer to them as well ..give it up and stop the rumor mill for the little girl sack So AUSTRALIA TO BE SO JUDGE MENTAL

  21. Gerard Baden Clay deserves NO COMPASSION. I wonder when his children were going to get in the way of his relationship with mistress (and mistresses??!!). What then, was he going to snuff them out too? The man is a psychopath, clearly couldn't give a damn about anyone other than self. And lets not beat around the bush in regard to his children. Their father is a murderer and killed their mother, they have a right to know this; that is he was prepared to end their mother's life to be with another.I hope the insurance compant pays up, so that Allison's parents can provide for those girls, because he sure as hell didn't before she died.Bring back death penalty, as why should my taxes keep an arse like him alive.Or make his parents sell their home to keep him alive as they produced the bastard.

  22. Oh so what June 27, 2012 4:58 AM
    Said what a one side comment I see in the Paper today there saying this is nothing really to link him to the crime sound very heartless saying those little girl need to know the truth, I guess they do when the truth is the truth . Why not wait for a court to prove it before tell them all this Media crap oh and the public story there even better ,and public hanging mob that running around say what they think or what please them to make the story look bigger and better ..Grow up and do it the legal way not a public hanging ..oH HANG ON AUSTRALIA WAS A PRISON ISLAND THAT RIGHT MUST BE TAKE THE OLD LORD BACK ARE WE ALMOST MAKE YOU WANT TO HANG YOUR HEAD WHEN YOU SAY YOUR Australian these day I say ..I hope when they hang your people before you they show NO NO COMPASSION FOR OTHER FAMILY MEMBER BE IT MAN WOMEN OR CHILDERN AS I SAY YOU HAVE SHOWN NO NO COMPASSION TO THESE LITTLE GIRLS WHAT THEM TO HEAR THING THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE ..WE OWE THEM THE TRUTH NOT MAKE UP STORY THE TRUTH

  23. Wow, it's dramatic what the internet reveals about public opinion in the privacy of people's own minds. 'Look at the most superficial evidence, combine it with the peripheral experience most people have with analytical research, and immediately draw a conclusion worthy of imposing death.' Wow. Scary.
    Yes, I know that people have always formed opinions based on almost nothing, yet they are willing to publish them on the world's screen - happy to be seen as completely irrational and irresponsible. And bad spellers.
    Baden-Clay may well be guilty, given the past performance of many husbands, but a forensic study is required - that's court-based - to trace every fact and every link. Only then can 'the system' declare a well-based conclusion.
    Vent your fears and distrust, people, but back off for the time being before stating your absolute knowledge that it was 'e what done it, guv'ner. Smarten up, people, please.
