
Monday, June 25, 2012

Jeffrey Gilham guilty or innocent?

On the 3rd December 2011, Jeffrey Gilham walked out of prison into the arms of his wife after serving three years for the murder of his family.  She never doubted his innocence for a minute and has been relentless in telling anyone who would listen, that it was his brother Christopher, and not her husband, who murdered their parents in 1993.

In a packed courtroom, the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal quashed Gilham's murder convictions and ordered a retrial.  An expert witness in the 2008 trial has conceded that he was not fully qualified to give evidence about levels of carbon monoxide in the blood - an area that was crucial to Gilham's defence.

But Gilham's Uncle Tony thinks he's guilty and has gone to great lengths to prove it.  One of Uncle Tony's brothers told him to forget about it and stop wasting his money but another brother living in the US, now deceased, sent him money to finance his quest to put Jeffrey behind bars.  

At first it seemed like an open and shut case.  According to Jeffrey, when he entered the house he saw his brother Christopher standing over their mother's body with a lit match in his hand and said "I've killed mum and dad" before setting his mother's body alight.  Outraged, Jeffrey says he then killed him.  He pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of grave provocation and he was sentenced to a five year good behaviour bond.

It was all done and dusted until "Mad Uncle Tony", as he likes to describe himself, decided the evidence didn't stack up, he believed Jeffrey fooled everyone and that people should remember that there was a $900,000 inheritance involved.

He went to Sixty Minutes who highlighted several inconsistencies in the forensic evidence and after fresh information came to light in February 2006, thirteen years later, Gilham was charged with the murder of his parents.  The jury couldn't agree and he walked free but at his second trial, the jury found him guilty and he was sentenced to life in prison. Uncle Tony said "I'm so pleased the jury worked it out, they worked out fact from fiction."  Judge Roderick Howie gave Gilham two life sentences and described him as "a consummate liar and brilliant actor."

Then last December, Uncle Tony was devastated when his nephew's convictions were quashed and he walked free.  Today we find out if the judge and Uncle Tony were right about Gilham.  He will either face another retrial or be acquitted and walk from the court a free man once and for all.

Update:   The three judge appeal panel was not unanimous in its decision, divided 2-1 in favour of acquittal.  Chief judge Justice Peter McClellan wanted a re-trial but Justice Elizabeth Fullerton and Justice Peter Garling voted to acquit.

Update 16/7/2012:  Tony Gilham died this morning of a suspected heart attack.  A police spokesman confirmed that emergency services were called to a home in the Sydney suburb of Panania at 4.45 am today, where the 60 year old civil engineer was found dead.  His life-long companion Jenny Robb's son said "We are still waiting on the Coroner's report, but we think more than likely, it had something to do with his heart, he was all burnt out from the fight."  Mr Gilham was working on a High Court appeal against the quashing of his nephew's convictions.


  1. Guilty guilty guilty in my book too. How 2 brothers could both turn into maniacal murderers on the same night is just too much of a coincidence for me. Sloppy police work when it all happened is to blame unfortunately. And he might be the best father outwardly now, that doesn't mean he couldn't commit a murder then.


  3. Margaret Cunneen SC a woman of wise judgement, with a desire for justice was absolutely correct in finding Jeffrey guilty of murdering his brother and parents.
    He had a shower, had traces of his mothers washed off blood on him, accellerant on his breath, and managed to wipe the muder weapon clean. His close neighbours think he's as guilty as hell, and so do we. The greatest miscarriage of justice is him being released as well no doubt of his greed for "compensation". His wife has to believe he is innocent or what does that say about her needy choice in men. At the same time she herself comes across as a total control freak. Jeffrey himself physically looks like he has some chromosomal syndrome, which may account for his murdering personality, and steadfast belief in his innocence. he's told himself the lie for so long, he believes it to be true. As for procreating 3 times with this killer, well always remember the sins of the father...

    1. Bahahaha
      Margaret Cunneen admitted to me she prosecuted an innocent man
      Her words
      Not mine
      I only asked one simple question and she admitted she was wrong
      Go ask her
      I dare you
      You don’t have a clue

  4. I felt like I was going to be physically ill when he walked out of court and all those "supporters" were clapping like he was some sort of hero! This is a guy who, by his own admission, stabbed to death his brother 17 times. A brother that was dressed in a shave coat, and who was visually impaired requiring glasses, which were hidden from him on the night of the murder. You are pond scum Gilham, I hope karma gets you. To Tony, we have never met, and I am not personally involved with anyone on the case, but I wanted to congratulate you for all your efforts and sacrifices to see justice done. Everybody needs a brother, brother-in-law, uncle and friend like you:) It would have been easier to walk away, but you didn't. I believe karma will get Jeffrey and his supporters. That wife claims to have a scientific background, yet she never showed up for vital parts of the court proceedings. She has also never discussed the murders with gilham??? How odd! Head and sand come to mind. Robecca wake up and smell the coffee hon, you married a murderer (by his own ommission!), you brought 3 innocent children into the world with a killer. I think you have some hard lessons and painful moments in your future. I think all the media hype, the constant battle for justice by Tony and the ongoing legal wrangling has united you and jeffrey. I believe that when the hype dies down and jeffrey lets his guard down, I think you will see the real man you married. To all Jeffreys' supporters- the French have a saying: 'tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.'

    1. You wouldn’t have a clue
      I was one of those supporters
      You just see the pathetic unprofessional 60Minute and media beat up stories
      I’ve know the family for years and spent many years growing up in that house as well as sailing with Geoff
      My parents were best friends of the Giilhams
      Until you have seen all the evidence like I have and been in that house you are merely judging on little or no evidence

  5. RIP Helen, Steve, most of all RIP Chris xx

  6. There is no doubt in my mind that Jeffrey is guilty. What were those judges thinking to let him off ?? A great miscarriage of justice.

    1. It’s not up to your mind
      It’s about facts and evidence and that’s why those judges set Geoff free on the very day of the appeal decision
      No three months waiting period
      Release him now was their call
      He’s innocent and you are just ignorant of the facts

  7. I thought everyone may be interested to know that in 1993, about 3 weeks before the murders, outside a local Shop A conversation was overheard that took place between the two Gillam brothers, Christopher and Jeffrey, Jeffrey Gillam was overheard trying to convince his brother, that if their parents were to be killed, They would be free of them, And they would stand to inherit a lot of money between them. The person who overheard this conversation was not seen by the Gillam brothers because He/She was at the side of the building, but close enough to hear the conversation. Jeffrey Gillam was overheard saying.. "you hate them too as much as I do, I know you do? Are you gonna help me or not?. After the murders of Helen and Steven and Christopher happened, This person came to and still has the opinion that Jeffrey was not able to convince his brother to help him, but was intent on and planned to kill His parent's with or without the help of his brother. That person believes that while Christopher was taking his shower that Jeffrey left the boathouse, went to his parent's house and callously stabbed them both to death. She believes that Christopher heard his Mother's screams and dressed in his shaving coat came as quickly as he could to her aid This would explain why Christpher was in his shaving coat and why his glasses were later found in the bathroom. but by the time he arrived it was too late. The person who overheard the brothers conversation believes it was actually Christopher who found Jeffrey standing over his Mother's body, and that Jeffrey killed his brother in exactly the same manner as he killed Helen and Steven because Jeffrey became suddenly aware that his brother was a very reliable witness, and the only thing that now stood between him and the inhetitance money was his brother who was actually the eldest of the two. He then murdered Christopher as well. then like nothing had happened went and took a shower himself, that would explain his wet hair. It was most likely while he was in the shower that he decided how he could dispose of the evidence, and proceeded to do just that.

  8. jeffrey is guilty as sin and it is a huge failure of the legal system that he can now walk around free, free to be a father and husband, even though he took this away from his brother and father (and mother), for what, so he could be rich at 25. What scum.
    I have something in common with Jeff Gilham. I stuided Civil Engineering too and I know how engineers think. Jeffrey thought he had covered all his bases in setting his brother up for this crime. Even telling friends there was pushing and shoving between his brother and their father over money?! Yet Chris had $8,000 in his account and Jeff had $20. And the thing that really gets me is the hose. That must have been the part of the evil plan that really didn't work out so well for Jeff. He was smart enough to realise he couldn't blame the cut of hose on Chris because they would have found only his fingerprints and saliver on it. So he figures he'll lie and say he and his father were trying to syphon petrol the night before. No one has ever believed this, it is utter bollocks, and I feel it really should have brought him down. His odd wife and their creepy supporters have never explained this, because they can't. All it does it prove Jeffrey's guilt.
    I'm so sorry to hear that Tony has passed away and it makes me sick to think Jeffrey and Robecca would feel relief about this because the pursuit will end. I'm just glad Tony got as far as he did and caused Jeffrey to spend a fair chunk of his inheritance on legal bills, and even spend a tiny bit of his life in prison. It should have been his whole life!!! It's just wrong wrong wrong. If I believed in hell, Jeffrey would be going there.

  9. hellen and steve.were advized not to have children by there then doctor. re there, blood group...jef.was wierd even when a child. ( sorry a monster) he is as guilty as hell were he will go. how can anyone see his mother burning. and rush past to get to his brother so he said in his statement. like judge stated..a lair a very good actor. i say a damn sychopath...jojo.

    1. Bahahaha
      What a clueless statement

  10. WOW Jeffrey. I cant believe the negative statements!! YOU ARE AN INNOCENT MAN!! God speed to you and your beautiful family.Im sure Lindy C. knows how you feel.Look after your health. Live long and strong.

  11. RIP Helen, Steve, most of all RIP Chris xx

  12. RIP Helen, Steve, most of all RIP Chris xx

  13. Can the case be brought back?How can he get away with this?
