
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hate Sheik Feiz Mohammed

Despite Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd once telling Sheik Feiz Mohammed never to return to Australia, he's been back for some time and will deliver a speech tomorrow to hardline Muslims in the Sydney suburb of Auburn.  This is the same man who believes that women who are raped only have themselves to blame and refers to Jews as "pigs".

The Bukhari House bookshop will be the venue for Feiz and other sheiks to discuss their outrage at the amateur American video that mocks their revered prophet.

Followers of the Sheik were key players in Saturday's riot.  The Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (ASWJ) and the Islamic Brotherhood Worldwide are believed to be behind a text message circulated late on Friday night.

Feiz, a former boxer and body-builder was born in Australia to Lebanese parents and was once a director of a kitchen cabinet company on the northern beaches.  He owns a rural retreat in the Southern Highlands.

We were delighted to learn that he had gone to Saudi Arabia to study the Islamic scholars for four years but he came home and is keeping the hate alive.  It's been reported that he is currently completing his Doctorate in Islamic Law in Malaysia.

Yesterday, a spokesman at the Bukhari House Islamic Bookshop said that Sheik Feiz was known to attend the centre "infrequently."  
So the Muslim community are aware of his presence yet still allow him to preach his powerful message of hatred to lonely young men desperate to find a reason to feel valued. 

Last Sunday in the Sydney suburb of Bankstown, an 8 year old girl addressed a meeting hosted by Hizb ut-Tahrir.  

The child spoke to 600 people "My dear brothers and sisters in Islam...children in Sydney would like to send their message of hope and support to the Muslims of Syria, especially to the children and mothers.  These uprisings have demonstrated that this umma (global Muslim community) is alive and well, her love is for jihad, she has unshackled herself from the fear which she held and she yearns to once again live under the banner of the Islamic state.  Children as young as myself can be seen on the streets joining the uprisings, risking their lives to bring food, water and medicine to their wounded family members, some of them never returning to their mothers..nobody is too young.

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