
Friday, September 28, 2012

Jill Meagher's body found

It was the man in the blue hoodie seen on the CCTV cameras.  But why did he have to kill her?

Adrian Ernest Bayley took police to where he partially buried the body of Jill Meagher after he raped and murdered her.  The 41 year old was unrestrained in the police car and was able to hide his face from the cameras.

Police found her body at the side of a road at Gisborne South, about 50 kms north-west of Melbourne.

This tragic event has struck deep into the heart of our social culture, after-work drinks with workmates on a Friday night will never be the same again.  Women everywhere will shudder as they remember making their way home alone after a night out with co-workers and just like Jill, they had no fear.

Ms Meagher's family in Ireland are devastated and her husband of 3 years is beside himself with grief.  ABC Managing Director Mark Scott said Jill was an important member of the Victorian radio team and a vibrant presence at 774 Melbourne.  "She was widely known, universally respected and much loved, with a great career ahead of her" he said.

The irony is that Jill twice refused an offer from a male work colleague for a lift home in a taxi - she said her home was only a five minute walk away.

We've seen how a life sentence works in Australia, murderers don't stay in prison for the rest of their lives, they get out because people with good intentions grant them parole.  Let's hope Adrian Ernest Bayley gets the justice he deserves - life without parole. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Have the bastard Ride the Lightning!

  4. I feel so sorry for Jills family ,, I can't beleave someone could do that it makes me sick ,
    Adrian should have taken his own life no one else's !!
    My heart goes out to all the family at this hard time ,

  5. My heart goes out to Jill's family !!!

  6. Shows you how safe Australia realy is
    since the days of the backpack killer Ivan Milat

  7. Replies
    1. There is no point taking the photo down now the image is on the Internet. It will still be possible to get a fair trial. By the time this goes to trial the public will have simmered down slightly although once the trial commences it will boil up again. The people are angry and rightly so. I mean the CCTV is on the Internet we have all seen the footage we just want to see this coward and not the images of him hiding. Interesting he hides now, pity he didn't hide permanently from society.

  8. Don't take the photo down. This man's past is slowly coming to the surface, although his previous convictions cannot be brought up in trial he has not a lot of legal justifications for why he did what he did. It's obvious from his past this man cannot be rehabilitated and his obvious hatred towards women has now escalated.

  9. I think you need to add the word "allegedly" a fair few times through your article. It's important not to interfere with the trial - if his defense team push to say that the whole thing has been slanted by the media (which includes you) then he can literally be set free because he was "denied" a fair trial. We all have a responsibility and role in helping bring justice for Jill.

  10. Read this and educate yourself;
    Showing this guy's face, publishing his history and writing as if he IS guilty once he's been charged denies him a presumption of innocence.

    I can guarantee you any defence lawyer worth his salt will be combing the internet for blogs like this to pursue that angle and this could really be used to argue that he can't get a fair trial and, yes, it's possible he could walk free without facing trial because of blogs like yours.

    This is why Tom Meagher pleaded with people not to comment on the accused in social media. You could also be found in contempt - blogs are legally regarded as publications. So you could be helping this guy avoid a trial and you're going against the wishes of Jill's family.

  11. He has already admitted it and he told police and took police to her body ... So der me how could he get an un fair trial there is no trial to b had just a sentence to b delivered to this low life maggot ...

  12. you are an idiot anna maria and unbelievably ignorant by publishing this photo which can seriously affect the outcome of a court case and derail that prosecution. You are also a lawbreaker and in contempt of court as the matter is subjudice quite apart from your declaration of guilt before the case is heard.
    Ignorant amateurs like you are extremely dangerous as you could well be the cause of the guilty going free. You should be reported to the the police who have asked fools like you not to publish stuff like this.

  13. Blogging abt such sensitive matters comes with grave responsibility Anna Maria...your ignorance and stupidity in publishing this photo despite pleas from police and Jill's husband to be careful defies belief!

    Are you really willing to jeopordise the legal proceedings so that you can get a few more hits on your blog? Take the photo down and have some shame....Unbelievable!!

  14. please can you remove the illegal content from your blog? thanks

  15. Absolutely shocking and disgusting. Australia is quite possibly the most dangerous part of the world for an Irish person to live, work or travel. It's an almost weekly story now hearing of savage beatings of Irish backpackers and now this heinous act from a disgusting man. How can he sleep at night. I'm lost for words.
