
Friday, December 7, 2012

Nick Mitchell 15, dies after taking LSD

Gosford High School

Another child has killed himself experimenting with a toxic drug circulating the Sydney/Central Coast area.  Nick Mitchell lived the good life in the family waterfront home on the Central Coast and last Saturday, he and his mate decided to take the hallucinogenic drug LSD, also known as acid.  Nick's 11 year old brother found him unconscious in his bedroom and his mate, also 15, ran naked onto a busy road and was knocked down by a car.

Nick's Year 9 adviser at Gosford High School had spoken to students about the potentially deadly ingredients used in the drugs circulating in the community, but it wasn't enough.

Nick Mitchell lived in a granny flat at the rear of the family's waterfront home in Tascott.  It was very hot last Saturday and neighbours saw the two friends wander between the flat and the backyard pool and everything looked perfectly normal.

But about 8.30pm that night, Nick's younger brother rang his mother at work in a panic and told her he found Nick slumped on his bedroom floor and wasn't breathing.  A neighbour raced over and gave him CPR while they waited for paramedics who were speeding to the scene.  On the way, they came across another accident just around the corner - it was Nick's friend who had been hit by a car.  A second ambulance rushed Nick to Gosford Hospital but he was later pronounced dead.

People think LSD went out of fashion in the hippie era of the 60s but it's back with a vengeance.  It's cheap, the effect lasts much longer than ecstasy and sniffer dogs can't smell it.

The Brazilian student Roberto Curti who died during a police chase through Sydney streets in March also took LSD that night.  In a psychotic, manic state, he too started stripping off his clothes and wouldn't stop running from police who tazered him so many times, it wasn't clear if the drug or police caused his death.

The LSD tablet has a smiley face on the packet but it also comes in the form of blotting paper, sugar cubes and sometimes gelatin capsules. It's odourless, colourless and tasteless and the "trip" lasts a long time - 12 to 14 hours.  A tab costs between $15 and $25 and alters thought processes, open and closed eye visuals, a sense of time and intense spiritual experiences.  But there's no guarantee your "trip" will be a happy one.

Source:  Daily Telegraph


  1. Buffoon. Why even bother? You know nothing about that kid. What an uninspiring blog you have.

  2. Your blog posting is pointless. To add your judgement about this teenager to his poor family who are suffering, how dare you!

  3. I am a relative of Nick's and as if it's not enough that the media lapped this story up before the coroner's report came out, sensationalising everything as mainstream media does, but we now have to deal with people like yourself who obviously have no clue not only about the situation but also about drugs in general.

  4. "it wasn't clear if the drug or police caused his death." Blatant lie: it was certainly the police brutality. All he did was steal some biscuits.

    I can also guarantee it wasn't LSD that killed this boy because LSD is not toxic and nobody has ever died from an "LSD overdose" as the bullshit media has been claiming without even having the toxicology report. It's sickening that the media has given him this image to create a sensationalist story.

  5. Only fuckwhits take drugs.... their choice, can only hope other looser kids learn from these ones dumb choices!
