
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Did Simon Gittany murder Lisa Cecilia Harnum?

Simon Gittany 39, has pleaded not guilty to the murder of Cecilia Harnum by "causing her to fall" off the balcony of their rented 15th floor apartment overlooking Hyde Park on 30 July 2011.  Gittany maintains he was trying to help her back to safety when she slipped.  He faced a committal hearing yesterday in Downing Centre Local Court.

Lisa Harnum was a beautiful Canadian girl engaged to Simon Gittany. They lived in a very smart part of town, on the 15th floor overlooking the park in the heart of the city.  Two months after Gittany asked her to marry him, he is accused of throwing her off their balcony to her death.

Gittany wanted to prove his innocence to the world so he posted online a series of intimate home videos and tender moments the couple shared, including his surprise proposal.

In one video, Gittany gets down on one knee and says "......I thank God every day for Cecilia, because she's a beautiful person, she has a beautiful heart and she's basically a gift from God for me."  He went on to say how he had lost faith in women because "I couldn't find a woman that was going to serve me, going to love me."  Cecilia then self-consciously covers her face with her  hands, nods and tearfully embraces him.

Another video shows Cecilia being baptised into the Catholic Church. "After this moment, she knew heaven would be her eternal home with God her creator" the YouTube caption reads "Lisa Cecilia Harnum is in heaven and she has appeared to a few of us confirming that she truly made it to heaven."

Gittany's barrister Anthony Bellanto QC said that some police were baffled as to how Ms Harnum could have been forced off the balcony when it has glass barriers and metal bars.  He also pointed out that Ms Harnum suffered from eating and sleeping disorders and the medication she took was known to have side effects that included irrational behaviour.

When asked to explain why Ms Harnum's fingerprints were not on the railings of the balcony, last year Mr Gittany's barrister Robert Richter QC told a Supreme Court bail hearing that Ms Harnum was a ballerina and suggested she could have leapt over the ledge, and subsequently to her death, quite easily.

It became clear that Cecilia was worried about her partner when she discovered he had been monitoring her phone calls and emails and she allegedly told friends he "absolutely controlled" her life.

But there is damning evidence.  When Cecilia tried to escape, one minute after a cctv camera captures Simon Gittany violently dragging his fiance back into the apartment with one arm around her neck and a hand over her mouth, she lay dead on the footpath 15 storeys below. That final moment of her life was played to the committal hearing yesterday and a neighbour also gave evidence that she heard her screaming "God help me, help me" moments before she died.

Police found a packed travel bag with Ms Harnum's Canadian passport inside.  Last year in March, her heartbroken mother said "All she wanted to do on that fateful day was get on a plane and come home to her family, knowing full well it was giving up her dream of getting Australian residency."

Crown Prosecutor Daniel Noll and Anthony Bellanto will appear again today before Magistrate Clare Farnan.

Ladies, be wary of a man who wants to make a big show of his proposal, reeks of narcissism.  We see it more and more every day, frustrated wannabes who crave attention, getting down on one knee, preferably in front of a large audience, and then uploading it onto YouTube.  It's sad and pathetic.

Edit 16 January 2013.  The thing that saddens me most about this tragic case is that when a woman dies as a result of domestic violence, somehow the blame is taken off the man and turned back onto the woman. We know that his defence team has already tried to portray Cecilia as unstable by pointing out she had an eating disorder and sleep problems, which has nothing whatsoever to do with her death.

Edit 18 January 2013:  Simon Gittany, 39, showed no emotion this afternoon when he was committed to face a jury for allegedly killing Lisa Cecilia Harnum, 30, in July 2011.

Simon Gittany trial begins 

Simon Gittany Guilty

New witness in Simon Gittany case


  1. Why hasn't it happened to you? I ask you did you know the couple? Were you in the room when she died? I think it is very self indulgent that you have written such garbage. Allow others to find their own life path rather than telling people what to be weary of. I think someone is a bit lonely. Btw you can't install CCTV in a Meriton Apartment Complex on your own perell that is why you pay strata fees for maintanence and security in the building which includes ore installed CCTV footage you liar. Also there is no direct quote of her saying that rather second hand information from acquaintances of her.

  2. I agree with the author.
    He used the term "SERVE" in the marriage proposal? DISGUSTING!!
    Also - her family was not present for the proposal - just his. In that environment she could not say no - she feared him. She was trapped. She had to say yes for her safety. He controlled her. If he couldn't have her nobody could!

  3. Anonymous at 649am you are the epitome of an idiot. She is from Canada. She ran away from her family to start a life in Austalia. Yes he used the term serve him, just as he said he would serve her- In my opinion that is beautiful and what every person wishes from their partner. He refers to her as his queen, why do you not think that is "disgusting"? If he said he was a KING I am sure you would have a different opinion. The more I read the comment, the more sorry I feel for you. You clearly do not know Simon, hence why you should keep your deluded thoughts to yourself.

    As for Anna Maria. God help you. For an article which seemed you had your head switched on and looked as though you had the right idea, it sure ended with a load of crap.

    A couple were in love. Cecilia suffered from bulimia and anorexia. She behaved irrationally at times and unfortunately her last incident was the reason for her demise. It is unfortunate and it is sad but it is the fact. You find it narcissistic that he post a video such as this online? May I ask you How exactly would you be able to feel the closeness to someone you loved once that has passed if the police have taken all the memories you have of that person away? Your phone with home videos, their possessions etc. Now add that you are charged with their murder and the world (because your case is so publicised) has a completely warped view on your relationship as people these days are incapable of making their own viewpoints and go off media information which is there to SELL. He missed her. He wanted the videos that he had left somewhere where he could see them and revisit the beautiful times he shared with her. If the police had his phone- which they would have taken from him should he be a suspect in her death, I'm sure he like anyone else would want to put the memories he had left in a repository where they were safe IE you tube.

    Do we really live in a society where people are whores for the media? Simon is one of the most caring beautiful giving people in the world who made the mistake of accepting someone in their entirety. That is his only wrong.

  4. Anonymous @ 11:13am - it is quite clear that you are related to this megalomaniac, simon gittany, and trying your best to defend him. Good luck!

    The evidence against him is overwhelming and it is supported by her friends, family, cctv footage, people on the street and his pathetic youtube videos. Getting her baptised! Please, what a control freak!

    I agree with every word anonymous @ 6:49am said!! ...and please don't feel sad for rational, logical, realistic people like us. You my friend are brainwashed and delusional.

  5. "Edit 16 January 2013. The thing that saddens me most about this tragic case is that when a woman dies as a result of domestic violence, somehow the blame is taken off the man and turned back onto the woman. We know that his defence team has already tried to portray Cecilia as unstable by pointing out she had an eating disorder and sleep problems, which has nothing whatsoever to do with her death."

    How can you assume? Obviously you have an agenda, you do not know the people, it is amazing to label someone as domestically violent based on apparent evidence you have not seen, yet when the deceased has proven medical statements referring to her conditions you throw it out the window. Clearly you have an agenda, or try to act as some homage page to deranged women. Stop with your lies and start critically thinking.

  6. Agree completely with posts of 6.49am and 11.28am.

    How much evidence do they need? An actual witness saw him throw her off!! If he said he was trying to hold her, then how did she get over the glass railing without leaving fingerprints? If she performed a "ballerina leap" as the defence says, then what's with his argument of holding her? What about the camera footage 1 minute earlier where he was dragging her along the floor and covering her mouth. Yes to the 11.13am blogger, that's "a couple in love!"

    You watch him get off though, all while police are hidden around corners waiting for somebody to exceed the speed limit by 10 km/h.

  7. This is 6:49 again.
    She didn't run away from her family. She went to Australia on an adventure and got stuck there... he held her there. You clearly did not know Lisa! Her bags were packed, she was trying to go home to Canada but he would not let her. He controlled her. He was violent with her. He threatened her. He had a camera set up at the door to make sure she didn't leave and nobody came in the house. She was a prisoner there. That is why she wanted to leave. He had a history of violence himself... earlier articles stated that he was in trouble with the police prior to this... since you want to talk about their history. And what do you mean "if he was a suspect"? He is the prime and only suspect. It is obvious to the whole world what he did to her. He took her life. :(

  8. The person defending the accused must be a member of his family. He or she is violent and lacks self control as well. The reactions to others' comments are outrageous and scary.

  9. In the first instance, the building is NOT a Meriton building. Anything but.

    In the second instance, it is one of the busiest locales in the city...not a "little place".

    This case will be almost entirely circumstantial. A jury will have to decide what seems likely (as opposed to irrefutably witnessed) beyond a reasonable doubt. Pity the poor jury.

    They will be asked to accept that the dead girl (tiny and anorexic) pirouetted over a 1.4 metre balcony edge with just a 3 metre run up (those are the dimensions of the balcony) and leave no physical evidence on the balcony railing or equipment. She then had to have achieved such velocity and height so she can land over 8 metres away from the front of the building. Forensics is going to deal with that scenario in very quick time.

    In addition they will be asked to believe that she took her own life just 68 seconds after screaming for anyone who could hear, to help save her life.

    Certainly people who knew them in the building find the suicide/jump story INcredible.

    Best to leave this to the courts. Let 12 people hear ALL the evidence and then grapple with a decision.

  10. Agree. It would seem everyone else is deluded and operating on agendas, other than the accused and the accused's defender..I may not know the facts, and I'm the first to not swallow whole the media's account on everything. But, you've got to admit, the accused and defender, are clutching at straws. Every which way you look at it..

  11. Poor girl. My heart goes out to her family for their tragic loss :-(

  12. This is a very sad and tragic story that has made me sick to the stomach. My heart goes out to her family in Canada.

    It sickens me that an obvious friend or family member of Simon's is on here polluting your blog.

    The txt msges he supposedly sent her were disgusting, and no woman deserves to be treated like that.

    I hope justice is served.

  13. To the owner of this blog site, I would seriously consider supplying some of these comments to the police...

  14. Somebody yesterday described gittany as a megalomaniac. I believe this to be a massive understatement. In fact I think his obsession with religion made him believe he was god or at least able to treat women the way the bible encourages us to. Just read an article today which reveals some of his text messages to her. What a pathetic individual. I'm a big, tough guy and could only imagine what other women would think of those texts.

  15. Is Simon Gittany an escaped mental patient?

    This story screams of domestic violence and of a woman who feared for her safety. This guys proposal wasn't even heartfelt.

    I suspect it is Simon Gittany replying to all of the comments himself, so I say to him:

    You are a pathetic, pitiful, and disgusting excuse for a man. I'm sorry to pass judgement, but when you upload youtube vids and make your life so public, it entitles people to have their own opinion. I think for even this woman's mother to have commented on her wellbeing, it is obvious that she was tormented by you. It's a very sad turn of events, but I am sure that she has not died in vain. I hope that her story raises the alarm should any vulnerable women encounter you, or men like you in their future.

    I hope that through her death, Lisa has helped to preserve life, and that she will be remembered by her vibrant smile. I wish her family and friends my condolences, and I thank god every day for precious life.

    I hope that Simon Gittany is brought to justice, and I hope that the world will find some sort of solace in that.

  16. The person posting in defence of Simon is clearly a relative of the accused, though the threats and abusive language don't help their cause to somehow paint him in a more positive light.
    I suppose Lisa was so deranged and unpredictable she was attempting to exit the appartment through the door....only to be dragged back violently by Simon Gittany. I would put suggest the only deranged behaviour was exhibited by Simon - both on CCTV footage in his violent assult and then by several witnesses who saw him screaming like a madman and throwing "something" over the balcony. No such witness accounts of a woman leaping over the balcony....

  17. Wow...creepy comment at 6.49am.

  18. ...ah, my mistake on the 6.49am comment, creepy at 12:36 AM!

  19. What a sick twisted little pathetic excuse for a man. Simon Gittany, there is nothing special about you inside or out- you're a short little balding lebanese man with an ego the size of planet earth because you are so insecure about the reject of a person that you are.
    You are a murderer and if you really do believe in heaven and hell then guess where you are headed? That's right...the rest of your life in jail will be an appetizer of what's to come for your eternity you evil little person.

  20. Simon G is a murdering, misogenistic narcissist who needed to dominate a vulnerable and frail woman. Clearly a total looser.
    I hope he is deeply afraid of jail and what lies in store for him there.

  21. Let's hope the jury are as clear on the matter as we all are. I've got lebanese background and totally detest uneducated riff-raff like him. Look at the two hoods walking with him to court. Put your coffee and piercings away while attending court you disrespectful lowlife. This girl is dead and you look like you're attending a concert.

  22. Found this interesting:

  23. Anonymous Jan 17 12:50 - I can't see the link?

  24. Simon Gittany is guilty! How can a woman screaming for help and trying to escape suddenly decide to jump off the balcony in a split second?? She was about to go home to Canada to her loving family. My heart goes out to their loss. I hope anyone who knows anything about this man's criminal and abusive past goes to testify...

  25. Obviously Simon Gittany is a bully, a coward, a sociopath, a psychopath and a control freak. The victim prepared her bag and passport and was about to flee to Canada, now this psychopath is telling us that she changed he plans and committed suicide in OZ rather than fleeing to Canada. A respectable man will never drag a woman by her beck and put his hand over her mouth so that people can’t hear her cries for help. This loser should pick on a guy of his own size. I am 190CM tall well-built man. If I ever see this loser around I will teach a good lesson that he will never forget.

  26. ...where are his "defenders" now? crawled back under their rocks, like the low lifes they are. Given their attitude it is easy to see where Simon got his.
    My guess is the first post was written by his mother - the reason he is like he is.

  27. Simon Gittany is guilty! How can a woman screaming for help and trying to escape suddenly decide to jump off the balcony in a split second?? She was about to go home to Canada to her loving family. My heart goes out to them for their loss. I hope anyone who knows anything about this man's criminal and abusive past goes to testify...

  28. I think the posts that defended him were written by his sister.
    The whole family is crazy. Women serving men type of people. The type of people that write text messages like that - Fanatics. Anna Maria - please show the comments to the police. The defender starts with "why hasn't this happened to you" suggesting that you as a blogger should also be murdered for having your own opinion (just like Lisa was).

    As for Simon, he should button up his shirt, wear a tie and take his face piercings out for his pre-trial. This loser has no respect for anybody! Not women, nor society, nor the law. Look at that twisted smirk on his face in the pictures of him strolling into court.

    I don't understand what there is for the magistrate to decide on really... how could this NOT go to trial? He should be charged with not only murder but kidnapping and all types of verbal and physical abuse and assault as well!

    I hope he goes back to jail for life where he belongs and gets beat up every day!

  29. ^^^Very well said 3.28am!!

  30. I think I heard that relevant previous charges and convictions will be able to be introduced into evidence.

    In South Australia it is already legislated:

    "In effect we're saying, if it would do an injustice to the community not to let in the evidence about what some of these people have done in the past, then you should let it in."

    The rationale behind this (evidence of prior charges/convictions/history) is that, where a pattern of behaviour is established that may be relevant when considering the possibility of that behaviour recurring. This kind of evidence is the norm in most countries and I believe NSW is in the process of coming into line.

    It seems likely that where a defendant has prior convictions for violence against woman and police and the victim then that pattern should be presented to the jury to consider. Such evidence would have been mandatory for the victim to have achieved an apprehended violence order against the defendant. In effect, establishing the violent nature of the relationship is the only basis in law to seek protection from the aggressor but, after the fact that behaviour cannot currently be considered.

    It is no harder for the jury to deal with this evidence than the complex medical and physics forensic evidence. They are frequently asked to decide about other "psychological" evidence.

    In my opinion, juries get the verdicts right almost all the time (unless there is legal misbehaviour).

    Time for the NSW Attorney General to get moving.

  31. It's tragic that Lisa got ever mixed up with him. Tragic she did not leave before he could drag her back in.

    For many abusive and controlling men it is a simple matter of pride that their partner is better dead than disrespecting him.

    I hope that someone's life can be saved out of this terrible tragedy by reading about this case and *leaving* their abusive relationship and involving police before it is too late.

  32. Well...he's committed to trial. Please EVERYONE, show some restraint on this site. He is entitled to a fair trial and unfair posts achieve nothing. He will get justice. This system is pretty good.

  33. You people are pathetic!!! As for Simon make you Lebanese people look bad, your race has done a good job of that on their own!!! I've noticed no-one make a comment on the incident at cronulla, did he throw her off the balcony too, he must of it seems throwing people off balconies is the new trend??? Don't believe everything you read you morons. May god rest Cecilia's soul, what happened to innocent until proven guilty, I didn't realize half of Sydney had a law degree!!!

  34. No question Simon Gittany is a cowardly little wanker. Clearly even if he didn't murder her his disgusting controlling nature drove her insane to the point of madness. No one will Lisa bring back not even Simon's bullshit god. Yes I'd loveto smash his face in regardless, He looks like a little prick and theres enough evidence if true that confirms he is a little prick. He prob. suffers from small Dick small man syndrome.... But all we know is what we read. Its so easy to form opinions based on hate.I despise him based on what i have read and his photo. Should I? No! He is due a fair trial. None of us were there. Surely the judicial system will bring the jury to make an informed decision based on the facts. RIP Lisa. May the truth be found swiftly

  35. This case illustrates the level that defence counsels will go to in order to lower the victim. And even if she had an eating disorder, that doesn't necessarily mean she is suicidal. I'm glad the magistrate said as much.

    This man Gittany is cunning. For these videos to surface on YouTube and all that, it indicates a desperation to show innocence when the contrary appears to be the case. I'm hoping that the prosecution investigate the background of this Gittany character.
    If he was so innocent as he claims, then why didn't he allow her to leave? But no, he had to pull her back into the apartment and he is filmed.
    I'd hate to be his lawyer. The reasoning used by his barrister - that Gittany was open with police, even to say that he didn't let her go, is damning in itself.
    It seems to me that the anonymous commenter in this thread, so vehement in their defense of Gittany, is also hell bent on defaming the victim.
    If she was so irrational, then why was she desperately knocking on doors yelling for help?

    It's quite astounding to think that the defense and this Gittany psycho, are maintaining the victim was mentally unbalanced, when in reality it is Gittany that has mental issues.

    To all women: if your boyfriend puts you on the spot in public to say yes to a marriage proposal, run away. It's quite sick to think that these videos are on YouTube.

    There has to be something else there and I hope the prosecution find it. For a woman to have her bags packed, passport ready. She wanted to leave, but he had to stop her in some way and there has to be a reason for that. Unfortunately women in these relationships with controlling men, end up being privy -not because they want to -to many things they come across. Whatever it was, he felt that he couldn't let her leave.

  36. More...

    It seems to me that Gittany has either two barristers or had changed barristers.
    In articles dating from 2011, his then barrister said that it was possible that Lisa 'leapt' over the balcony.
    Now, with Bellanto the argument is that Lisa climbed over the balcony railing (without leaving fingerprints), Gittany going to try to help her and then losing grip.

    So something is clearly wrong. There are inconsistencies. It seems as if the defence can't decide on whether she leapt or whether she just happened to fall (because she was terrified of the psycho fiance) or he threw her off because he had something to hide and she knew about it (why else drag her back in the apartment, when she wanted to leave?).

  37. I think he killed her in the apartment and then was like "now what?" so then he threw her off.

  38. This sucker is going down. I wonder how his supporters felt watching those videos of him abusing someone via CCTV. A disgrace!!

  39. Interesting theory that he killed her inside before throwing her body off the balcony. Could have been an accident while he raged while dragging her around by the neck. The theory fits with what the witness saw as he didn't see her struggling when she was thrown off the balcony.

  40. Yes, she climbed the 1.4m glass railing without leaving fingerprints. Good defence lawyer. May as well have appointed Lionel Hutz from the Simpsons.

    Don't drop the soap Gittany. I heard the boys at Malabar fancy little men.

  41. Whatever the cause of her fall, one thing seems certain from witnesses. The guy's a control freak!
    I've known several women who've fallen for the charms of a nice looking guy only to find locks on the letter box after marriage, restrictions on friends and various other oppressive injunctions.
    Know your man, girls, before you sign on for the trip!

  42. It continues to baffle me how everything went down in only 68 seconds according to the CCTV footage, from the time he was seen dragging the victim by the neck back into the apartment to the time he was seen exiting to catch a lift to the ground floor were her body lay. So technically speaking if he had killed her first prior to throwing her off the balcony it would have probably taken longer than 68secs.

  43. This story has made me feel very sad. My step-daughter married a very controlling man some years ago and relationships have been wrecked in the family because of it, including her relationship with her own mother. People like this are so dangerous in every way

  44. Dear Anonymous relative/friend of Gittany. It must be very difficult to come to terms with the fact that ALL LOGICAL EVIDENCE shows that somebody that you have loved your whole life, is a murderer. Not only must you reconcile the fact that he has taken a life away in the most heinous and selfish of circumstances and forever destroyed the wellbeing of Lisa's parents, family and friends, but also, you must accept the fact that he is lying to you about it. But accept it you must.

  45. 68 seconds is a long time...

    Hypothetically, more than enough time to break her neck in a fit of rage whether intentional or not - one quick violent snap, your'e dead - realize what he's done and then run and toss the body off the balcony to try to cover up what has happened.

  46. 7.15pm you have a point.

  47. She was also very petite.
