
Friday, March 15, 2013

The new humble Pope

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was a 30/1 outsider, not a member of the high flyer boys club, but a Jesuit intellectual who travels by bus.  

He urged the Argentinian people not to come to Rome to celebrate his victory, but to give the money to the poor instead.  He refused to live in the grand Cardinal's residence in Buenos Aires, preferring a small apartment and also refused the offer of a chauffeur-driven car.

For the ride back to the conclave lodgings after the election, Francis shunned the papal limousine with the "Vatican City State One" number plates and boarded a minibus with the other Cardinals.

The new Pontiff is an early riser and wakes at 4.30 every morning and unlike most Argentines who eat at 11pm, he goes to bed at 9pm. Although he seems to be in good health at 76, he underwent surgery in his teens to remove an infected lung.

He is the son of Italian parents, raised in Argentina and becomes the first Latin American Pope.

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