
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Reverend Fred Nile getting married at 78

Christian Democratic Party Leader and morals crusader Fred Nile 78, is getting married again.  The lucky lady is Silvana Nero 55, a teacher and single mother of three, who lives in a Housing Commission flat in Dee Why.  "Fred's my knight in shining armour" she said.

Fred's wife Elaine was his political partner in the NSW Upper House for 15 years.  They were childhood sweethearts and married for 53 years. Before Elaine died of cancer 18 months ago, Fred said she told him to remarry.

Fred and Elaine

Memories of Rose Porteous come flooding back because Fred is going down the same road as Lance Hancock.  It took his daughter Gina years in the courts fighting Rose about his money, hopefully Fred won't leave a complicated financial mess for his own children and grandchildren to sort out.

Rose and Lance Hancock

Fred has apparently been praying for God to send him a new wife and when he looked up, he saw a beautiful brunette, dressed all in white, with what appeared to be a beam of light shining on her head.  

Ms Nero is a former Pentecostal minister and is the Christian Democratic Party's candidate for Mackellar.  "Fred prayed over me and I felt the hand, the holy spirit of God come upon me, and I changed, I actually felt I loved him completely differently.  I said to Fred 'I love you, I actually love you, from the purity of my heart.'"

Her father, Pasquale, an Italian migrant from Calabria, is two years older than Fred.  The wedding is set for December.

Life's a funny thing, here's Fred thinking how wonderful it all is and has no idea what all the well wishers are really thinking.  The old saying comes to mind, there's no fool like .......

Edit June 9, 2013:  Mr Nile confirmed that there was "friction" between him and his four children. He was married to his childhood sweetheart Elaine for 53 years.  She died of cancer in October 2011 and his children are "hurt and angry" at how quickly their father recovered after her death.    None of his children attended either of his two engagement parties.  "We were invited twice but none of us went" confirmed an unnamed family member "Had I gone, I would have been saying that I support this marriage, and I don't."

Edit December 12, 2013:  Reverend Fred Nile gets married


  1. "And I (i.e. Jesus) say unto you, Whoever shall put away (i.e. divorce) his wife, except it be for fornication, (i.e. sexual promiscuity within the Jewish betrothal period - Matthew's Gospel is written for a Jewish audience) and shall marry another, committeth adultery; and whoso marrieth her which is put away (i.e. divorced) doth commit adultery" (Gospel of Matthew Ch. 19 v.9). The Word of God is clear that there is NO EXCEPTION allowing 'remarriage'; it is a modern-day 'loophole' which is used to try to justify remarriage after divorce but which God says is legalized adultery. Please check out the Word of God for yourself, this is not what we say but what God says and it is confirmed again in Mark 10: 11-12, Luke 16: 18, Romans 7: 2-3, 1 Corinthians 7: 10-11 and 39.

    Ms. Nero, though a delightful Christian lady, is also a divorcee for whom, according to God's Word, 'remarriage' is OUT whilever her husband is alive.

    1. Amen so Mr Nile and Mrs Nero both live in adultery as long as Mrs Nero's husband Mr Nero is alive
