
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Nicola Roxon calls Kevin Rudd a bastard

Nicola Roxon has called Kevin Rudd a "bastard" and said he should quit Parliament.  She made the extraordinary remarks as she delivered the John Button Memorial Lecture in Melbourne this week.  Roxon served as Health Minister under Rudd and Attorney-General under Gillard.

There's a very valid reason for wanting Kevin Rudd out of Parliament, says Ms Roxon, pollsters will continue to run popularity comparison between Rudd and the new leader Bill Shorten.  And she's right, they will.

"Removing Kevin was an act of political bastardry for sure, but was made possible only because Kevin had been such a bastard himself to too many people already" she said.  "We were clumsy and short-sighted in the way we did it."

Maxine McKew

Maxine McKew, the woman who won John Howard's seat of Bennelong, has changed her mind about the man she once supported.

She said he "went off the deep end" with some of his quick-fix policies in the lead up to the election.  She "couldn't stomach" his Papua New Guinea asylum seeker policy which was "perverse and cruel" and his quick trip to the Northern Territory to announce a special tax zone amounted to "idiocy."  But she thinks his worst decision was to bring back Peter Beattie to run for the seat of Forde.

Kevin Rudd was immensely popular and many wonder why.  In September, he became the first Australian to exceed more than one million followers on Twitter, double that of the second most popular Aussie - Shane Warne.  

They say that truth is often stranger than fiction and the six year Labor rule was so bizarre, if you wrote it down in a book, no one would believe it. 

Kevin Rudd brings the Labor Party out of the doldrums and into power. His colleagues hate him so much, they sack him without giving any explanation to the electorate and Julia Gillard becomes Prime Minister. When it becomes clear that with Julia as leader, they have no chance of winning the upcoming election, they put Kevin back in as leader but lose the election anyway. 

Now we wait to see if Kevin realizes he has well and truly worn out his welcome, and resigns while he still has some dignity left.  

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