
Monday, December 16, 2013

Reverend Fred Nile gets married

Fred Nile got married on the weekend.  The 79 year old looked younger with blond streaks in his hair, and very happy. His best man was Liberal hard-right faction boss David Clarke.

Elaine and Fred

Fred's wife Elaine was his political partner in the NSW Upper House for 15 years.  They were childhood sweethearts and married for 53 years. Before Elaine died of cancer, Fred said she wanted him to remarry after she was gone.

Apparently Fred had been praying for a new wife and when he looked up, he saw a beautiful brunette, dressed all in white, with what appeared to be a beam of light shining on her head.

The lucky lady is Silvana Nero 55, a teacher and single mother of three who used to live in a Housing Commission flat in Dee Why. "Fred's my knight in shining armour" she said.

His new bride chose to wear white, an odd decision for a divorced woman and mother of three.

Two of Fred's sons attended the ceremony but one son and a daughter stayed away.  They are still fuming about how quickly their father found a new love when their mother died.

Last month, Fred helped defeat a Bill for same sex marriage in the Upper House and the gay community performed a mock wedding outside the church.  They pointed out that the Bible teaches that a man and a woman should marry in order to procreate the earth but as Fred is almost 80 and his bride past childbearing age, what's his point?

I think we know.

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