
Friday, March 21, 2014

Oscar Pistorius puts house on the market

The Blade Runner's lawyers must be getting nervous about their client's ability to pay for their services, otherwise why is he selling his house now while the trial is still going on?  Pumping his girlfriend full of bullets and pretending he thought she was an intruder doesn't come cheap - his three full time lawyers are costing him up to $9,000 a day.

And hasn't he put on a great show?  Throwing up in a bucket, sticking his fingers in his ears, he should be nominated for an Academy Award. But nobody is buying it.

Estate agent Ansie Louw, who is handling the sale, said that although the property was the scene of an horrific crime, it would still attract plenty of interest.  Some people just don't care that a beautiful girl's life came to a bloody end inside its walls, she said. All potential buyers have to do is put a $5,000 deposit down, sign an agreement, and they will receive photos and plans of the property.  But there is one important requirement - they want a cash buyer.

Around 6.30 pm on Valentine's Day, while Reeva was inside the building, a search was made on Google for a porn website. Immediately after, a page was accessed that was described as Mobile porn, Free mobile porn, iPhone porn and iPad porn.  A leaked court document states that the sites are in direct contrast to that of a loving couple spending their time together.

On the anniversary of his lover's death, Pistorius tweeted  No words can adequately capture my feelings about the devastating accident that has caused such heartache for everyone who truly loved - and continue to love Reeva.

It's enough to make you sick.

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