
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Rachel Canning's parents take her back

There's an old saying - a parent's love for their child knows no bounds - and it must be true because this case reeks of a spoiled brat who has a lot to learn about life.  After Rachel Canning sued her parents and dragged them through a heart-breaking court case, they welcomed her home with open arms.

When she refused to abide by her parents' rules, she left home and sued them, made possible by her best friend's father John Inglesino, a lawyer, who paid all her legal fees.

She first left home in October and moved in with her boyfriend's family for two days and then with her best friend Jaime Inglesino's family. When her parents retaliated by stopping her private school fees, she was encouraged to take them to court.  She asked for child support of $654 a week, legal fees, reimbursement of her high school tuition, medical bills, and other expenses, but thankfully, the judge said "no way" and she lost the case.

Canning claimed her parents were responsible for her anorexia and bulimia;  they pushed her to get a basketball scholarship and her father was too affectionate.  He "constantly put his arm around me in public and would kiss me on the cheek" she said.  

Her parents asked her to be respectful, keep to a curfew, do some chores around the house and end the relationship with her boyfriend, who was a bad influence.

State Superior Court Judge Peter Bogaard said "Are we going to open the gates for 12 year olds to sue for an X-Box, for 13 year olds to sue for an iPhone?" he said.  "We should be mindful of a potential slippery slope."

So who is this man who destroyed the Canning family and made this sad story possible?   Inglesino is a partner at the firm Inglesino, Wyciskala & Taylor in Parsippany, New Jersey.  His law firm's profile reads:

Mr Inglesino was recently named one of the top 100 "powerful people" in New Jersey by Politicker NJ for 2013.  He was also named in the "Power 100" list by NJBIZ and appears in "Best Lawyers in America 2013 and 2014."

Inglesino and wife

So why did he feel it necessary to intervene in this family's life with his chequebook?

"Rachel is likeable, communicates exceptionally well and is highly motivated to attend and excel at a college appropriate for her. That is why my wife and I have decided to fund this lawsuit personally" he said.  "We know that if Mr and Mrs Canning are not required to fulfill their obligations as parents, that Rachel's ability to fulfill her potential will be greatly diminished."

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